'=========================================================================== ' Subject: SOUND CARD DETECTION Date: 11-12-92 (00:00) ' Author: Brett Levin Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: QuickBASIC ScrapBook Packet: SOUND.ABC '=========================================================================== ' SBSOUND.BAS by Brett Levin 1992 ' ' These routines were made entirely from a pretty detailed (techie, but ' not that I mind ) text file on programming the FM ports on the AdLib/SB. ' You are free to use this in any program what so ever, as long as you ' give credit where credit is due.. (stole that line from Rich!) :) DEFINT A-Z DECLARE FUNCTION DetectCard% () DECLARE SUB SBInit () DECLARE SUB WriteReg (Reg%, Value%) DECLARE SUB SBPlay (note%) CONST false = 0, true = NOT false SCREEN 0: CLS IF DetectCard = true THEN PRINT "AdLib-compatible sound card detected." ELSE PRINT "Unable to find/detect sound card." BEEP SYSTEM END IF PRINT " Initalizing..."; SBInit PRINT " Done." FOR nt = 0 TO 255 SBPlay nt NEXT nt PRINT PRINT " These routines only support one channel/voice of the FM chip, but" PRINT "eventually I may fix them so you can have a bunch o' instruments on" PRINT "at once. I'd also like to write a replacement for SBFMDRV.COM, but" PRINT "that's far off, and probably not in QB anyway. This is too fast" PRINT "compiled, so if you are going to use it in anything, add a delay." PRINT " Enjoy! -Brett 11/12/92" PRINT FOR nt = 255 TO 0 STEP -1 SBPlay nt NEXT nt PRINT "[Press any key to end]" SLEEP CALL WriteReg(&HB0, &H0) 'Makes sure no extra sound is left playing FUNCTION DetectCard% ' Purpose: Detects an AdLib-compatible card. ' Returns -1 (true) if detected and 0 (false) if not. ' Variables: Nope CALL WriteReg(&H4, &H60) CALL WriteReg(&H4, &H80) B = INP(&H388) CALL WriteReg(&H2, &HFF) CALL WriteReg(&H4, &H21) FOR x = 0 TO 130 A = INP(&H388) NEXT x C = INP(&H388) CALL WriteReg(&H4, &H60) CALL WriteReg(&H4, &H80) Success = 0 IF (B AND &HE0) = &H0 THEN IF (C AND &HE0) = &HC0 THEN Success = -1 END IF END IF DetectCard% = Success END FUNCTION SUB SBInit ' Initialize the sound card '(This is the "quick-and-dirty" method; what it's doing is zeroing out ' all of the card's registers. I haven't had any problems with this.) FOR q = 1 TO &HF5 CALL WriteReg(q, 0) NEXT q END SUB SUB SBPlay (freq%) ' Purpose: Plays a note ' Variables: freq% - Frequency (00-FF hex) ' duration% - Duration (n seconds) (not used) ' I'm still working on this part, it may be ugly, but it works . ' The first group of WriteRegs is the modulator, the second is the ' carrier. ' If you just want to know how to create your own instrument, play around ' with the second values in the first four calls to WriteReg in each group. ' :-) Have fun! - Brett CALL WriteReg(&H20, &H7) ' Set modulator's multiple to F CALL WriteReg(&H40, &HF) ' Set modulator's level to 40 dB CALL WriteReg(&H60, &HF0) ' Modulator attack: quick, decay: long CALL WriteReg(&H80, &HF0) ' Modulator sustain: medium, release: medium CALL WriteReg(&HA0, freq%) CALL WriteReg(&H23, &HF) ' Set carrier's multiple to 0 CALL WriteReg(&H43, &H0) ' Set carrier's level to 0 dB CALL WriteReg(&H63, &HF0) ' Carrier attack: quick, decay: long CALL WriteReg(&H83, &HFF) ' Carrier sustain: quick, release: quick CALL WriteReg(&HB0, &H20) ' Octave CALL WriteReg(&HE0, &H0) ' Waveform argument for Tom.. ' &H00 is the default, but I felt like ' dropping it in for you.. :) ' I originally had an extra argument, duration!, but for some reason ' I wanted to do the timing outside of this sub.. You can change it back ' if needs require.. 'TimeUp! = TIMER + duation! 'WHILE TimeUp! > TIMER: WEND ' Worst you can be off is .182 of a second END SUB SUB WriteReg (Reg%, Value%) ' Purpose: Writes to any of the SB/AdLib's registers ' Variables: Reg%: Register number, ' Value%: Value to insert in register ' (Note: The registers are from 00-F5 (hex)) OUT &H388, Reg '388h = address/status port, 389h = data port FOR x = 0 TO 5 ' This tells the SB what register we want to write to A = INP(&H388) ' After we write to the address port we must wait 3.3ms NEXT x OUT &H389, Value ' Send the value for the register to 389h FOR x = 0 TO 34 ' Here we must also wait, this time 23ms A = INP(&H388) NEXT x END SUB 'That program will produce a motorcycle engine effect. I do have code 'that will play a frequency (from 0 to 800 I believe) on any of 11 'octaves, and I'm waiting for the authors permission to post it.