'=========================================================================== ' Subject: PC SPEAKER FREQUENCY Date: Unknown Date ' Author: James Vahn Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: FidoNet QUIK_BAS Echo Packet: SOUND.ABC '=========================================================================== 'This shows how to make specific frequencies through the PC 'speaker. How high a note can you hear? :-) 'Speaker.bas - James Vahn 1:30854/20@fidonet 'Shows the use of PC hardware to generate sound. ' Old = INP(&H61) ' 8255 PPI chip. Save the original. OUT &H43, 182 ' 8253 Timer chip. 10110110b Channel 2, mode 3 Port = INP(&H61) ' get the 8255 port contents. OUT &H61, Port OR 3 ' enable the speaker and use channel 2. INPUT "Desired Frequency in Hz"; Hz Divisor = 1193180 / Hz LSB = Divisor MOD 256 MSB = Divisor \ 256 OUT &H42, LSB OUT &H42, MSB PRINT "Press any to stop" WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND OUT &H61, Old ' turn it off.