'=========================================================================== ' Subject: RESIZABLE VGA FONTS Date: Year of 1992 (00:00:00) ' Author: Bryan Flick Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Keys: RESIZABLE,VGA,FONTS Packet: EGAVGA.ABC '=========================================================================== ' Resizable VGA Font Routine ' Written by Bryan Flick ' (C) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved ' Below is a font routine that I wrote in QuickBASIC 4.5. With the PrintText ' subroutine, it is possible to print scalable characters, in any of 16 ' colors, in either underline, italics, or shadow mode (or a combination of ' any three). Works only in VGA mode. DEFINT A-Z: DIM Font(94, 8, 16), XS(8), YS(16): GOTO Start PrintText: ' A$ = String to print ' Col1 = Color of font ' Col2 = Background color of font (used with shadow) ' T = Tool (0=none, 1=underline, 2=italics, 4=shadow) ' X = Starting X position (in pixels) ' Y = Starting Y position (in pixels) ' XSize = Size of font horizontally (in pixels) ' YSize = Size of font vertically (in pixels) IX = XSize \ 8: IY = YSize \ 16 T1 = T AND 1 T2 = T AND 2: IF T2 <> 0 THEN T2 = 1 T3 = T AND 4: IF T3 <> 0 THEN T3 = 1 XS = IX * 8: YS = IY * 16 FOR I = 1 TO 8: XS(I) = IX: NEXT I FOR I = 1 TO 16: YS(I) = IY: NEXT I IF XS <> XSize THEN FOR I = 1 TO XSize - XS: XS(I) = XS(I) + 1: NEXT I IF YS <> YSize THEN FOR I = 1 TO YSize - YS: YS(I) = YS(I) + 1: NEXT I FOR I = 1 TO LEN(A$): C = ASC(MID$(A$, I, 1)) IF C = 13 THEN X = 0: Y = Y + YSize: IF Y < 480 GOTO Oops ELSE RETURN IF C = 32 THEN X = X + XSize: IF X < 640 GOTO Oops ELSE RETURN IF C >= 33 AND C <= 127 THEN Char = C - 32 TD1: XS2 = Font(Char, 0, 0): XS3 = 0 FOR A = 1 TO XS2: XS3 = XS3 + XS(A): NEXT A IF X + XS3 > 639 THEN RETURN X2 = X: Y2 = Y FOR K = 1 TO 16: Z1 = YS(K): IF Z1 = 0 THEN 96 FOR J = 1 TO XS2: Z2 = XS(J): IF Z2 = 0 THEN 95 IF Font(Char, J, K) = 0 GOTO TD2 X9 = X + Z2 - 1: Y9 = Y + Z1 - 1 IF T2 = 1 GOTO T2 IF T3 = 1 THEN LINE (X + IX, Y + IY)-(X9 + IX, Y9 + IY), Col2, BF LINE (X, Y)-(X9, Y9), Col1, BF GOTO TD2 T2: Q = (4 - K \ 2) * IX IF T3 = 1 THEN LINE (X + Q + IX, Y + IY)-(X9 + Q + IX, Y9 + IY), Col2, BF LINE (X + Q, Y)-(X9 + Q, Y9), Col1, BF TD2: X = X + Z2 95 NEXT J: X = X2: Y = Y + Z1 96 NEXT K: Y = Y2 IF T1 = 1 THEN LINE (X, Y + YSize - 2)-(X + XS3, Y + YSize -2), Col1 IF T1 = 1 AND T3 = 1 THEN LINE (X + 1, Y + YSize - 1)-(X + XS3+ 1, Y + YSize - 1), Col2 X = X + XS3 + 1 Oops: NEXT I RETURN Start: SCREEN 12: COLOR 15: PRINT "Please wait...": COLOR 1 Char1 = 1 FOR Char2 = 33 TO 126 LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT CHR$(Char2) FOR J = 1 TO 16: FOR I = 1 TO 8 Font(Char1, I, J) = POINT(I - 1, J + 15) NEXT I, J I = 8: A = 0 2691 FOR J = 1 TO 8: IF Font(Char1, I, J) <> 0 THEN A = 1 NEXT J IF A = 0 THEN I = I - 1: IF I <> 1 THEN 2691 Font(Char1, 0, 0) = I Char1 = Char1 + 1 NEXT Char2 X = 0: Y = 0: T = 0: XSize = 8: YSize = 16 CLS : COLOR 15 A$ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*)" PRINT "This is a sample of the 8x16 font...": PRINT Col1 = 10: X = 0: Y = 16: GOSUB PrintText PRINT "This is a sample of the 8x16 font underlined...": PRINT Col1 = 11: T = 1: X = 0: Y = 48: GOSUB PrintText PRINT "This is a sample of the 8x16 font italicized...": PRINT Col1 = 12: T = 2: X = 0: Y = 80: GOSUB PrintText PRINT "This is a sample of the 8x16 font with shadows...": PRINT Col1 = 13: Col2 = 5: T = 4: X = 0: Y = 112: GOSUB PrintText PRINT "This is a sample of the 8x16 font underlined, italicized, with shadows...": PRINT Col1 = 14: Col2 = 6: T = 7: X = 0: Y = 144: GOSUB PrintText PRINT "This is a sample of the 16x16 font...": PRINT Col1 = 10: T = 0: X = 0: Y = 176: XSize = 16: GOSUB PrintText PRINT "This is a sample of the 8x32 font...": PRINT : PRINT Col1 = 11: X = 0: Y = 208: XSize = 8: YSize = 32: GOSUB PrintText PRINT "This is a sample of the 32x32 HEADLINE font, with shadows!": PRINT : PRINT : PRINT Col1 = 12: Col2 = 4: T = 4: X = 0: Y = 256: XSize = 32: YSize = 32: GOSUB PrintText PRINT TAB(29); "Written by Bryan Flick" PRINT TAB(32); "53 Olde Mill Run" PRINT TAB(30); "Stroudsburg, PA 18360" PRINT TAB(27); "717-421-1764 (24 hour BBS)": PRINT COLOR 11: PRINT TAB(21); "(C) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved" SLEEP: END ' That's it! Hopefully the echo doesn't butcher the program up too ' much, if so just let me know and I'll find another way to resend ' it! If you take a look at it, I'd appreciate it if you let me know ' what you think! Thanks!