'=========================================================================== ' Subject: STRING$ BORDER EXAMPLE Date: Unknown Date (00:00) ' Author: Jeff Shantz Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Keys: STRING$,BORDER,EXAMPLE Packet: TEXT.ABC '=========================================================================== 'Border Example By Jeff Shantz ' 'Programmer's Note ' 'This Example Was Made So That Programmer's Could Learn Some New Techniques 'For Making Border's And Other Things In QuickBasic. This Example Uses '1 Main Command, STRING$. Most People Do Not Know The Use Of STRING$ And 'It Is Actually A Very Useful Command. I Find That Many Programmers Resort 'To Just Typing All The Characters Out In One Big Print Statement If They 'Want To Make A Border. With STRING$, You Obviously Don't Have To Do That. 'Of Course, That Is Not The Only Use For STRING$, But With Some Experimenting, 'You'll Find New Uses For It. ' ' 'Titles And Instructions 1 CLS : LOCATE 2, 25: COLOR 4: PRINT "Border Example" COLOR 7: LOCATE 1, 63: PRINT "Enter 255 To Exit" COLOR 15: LOCATE 5, 1: PRINT "Type An Ascii Code In Digital Format (e.g. 197) : " LOCATE 5, 51: INPUT "", N 'gets the input IF N = 255 THEN SYSTEM ELSE GOTO 2 'if the input is 255 then program exits 2 COLOR 14 X$ = STRING$(79, N) 'sets the border CLS LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT X$: 'prints the upper border LOCATE 23, 1: PRINT X$: 'prints the lower border SLEEP 1: GOTO 1 'returns to label 1 'Written by Jeff Shantz ' 'A catalogue of other public domain programming examples and other types of 'public domain software written by Jeff Shantz can be obtained by sending '$2.00 (for shipping & handling) to: ' 'Programming Examples 'c/o Jeff Shantz '162 Ann Street 'Kitchener,Ontario 'N2B 1Y3, CANADA ' 'or by setting your modem to 8,N,1 and calling The Crypt at 1-(519)-576-3127