'=========================================================================== ' Subject: LENGTH EXAMPLE Date: Unknown Date (00:00) ' Author: Jeff Shantz Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Keys: LENGTH,EXAMPLE Packet: TEXT.ABC '=========================================================================== 'Length Example By Jeff Shantz ' 'Programmer's Note ' 'This Examples Demonstrates The Use Of The Length Of Characters In 'QuickBasic. It Can Be Used For Any Sort Of Program And Is A Very Useful 'Command. This Program Uses 2 Main Commands, LEN And STR$. LEN Is The 'Length Of Whatever Variable Is In The Parentheses That Accompany It. 'STR$ Is Merely Changing The Variable That Is In Parentheses Beside It, 'To The Variable STR$. These Commands Can Be Useful For Games, Utilities, 'And Many Other Programs. ' ' 'Titles And Instructions 0 CLS : LOCATE 1, 30: COLOR 4: PRINT "Length Example" LOCATE 3, 20: COLOR 7: PRINT "Enter On Blank Line Or `0' To Quit" LOCATE 7, 5: INPUT "Type A Number Ranging From 1-7 Digits : ", N IF N < 1 THEN SYSTEM 'if the input is lower than 1, program exits 'in the statement below, if the input is higher than 7 digits, too high IF LEN(STR$(N)) > 8 THEN PRINT "Too High!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 0 ON LEN(STR$(N)) GOTO 1 'if it receives valid input, goes to label 1 'the statement below returns the number of digits that were inputted 1 LOCATE 9, 20: PRINT "You Typed A"; LEN(STR$(N)) - 1; "Digit Number": PRINT : SLEEP 1: GOTO 0 'returns to 0 'Written by Jeff Shantz ' 'A catalogue of other public domain programming examples and other types of 'public domain software written by Jeff Shantz can be obtained by sending '$2.00 (for shipping & handling) to: ' 'Programming Examples 'c/o Jeff Shantz '162 Ann Street 'Kitchener,Ontario 'N2B 1Y3, CANADA ' 'or by setting your modem to 8,N,1 and calling The Crypt at 1-(519)-576-3127