'=========================================================================== ' Subject: DTR PATCH FOR QB Date: 01/17/91 (21:32) ' Author: Robert Benson Code: TEXT ' Keys: DTR,PATCH,FOR,QB Packet: MODEM.ABC '=========================================================================== To the end that it is an ongoing struggle to get Microsoft to listen to the needs of the programmer, the following patches are provided to enable you to patch your copies of BRUN45.EXE and BCOM45.LIB. Before beginning, make sure you have backup copies of BRUN45.EXE and BCOM45.LIB. BCOM45.LIB DTR Patch -------------------- With Debug in a DOS path, type : debug bcom45.lib Type : s cs:0 ffff b0 00 e3 01 Debug should show : xxxx:1529 where xxxx can be any number depending upon where Debug loaded the program into memory. In any case, the number is not important. Type : u 1529 Debug should show : MOV AL,00 JCXZ 152E INC AX ADD DX,+04 OUT DX,AL This is where QB graciously resets the comm port to parameters it thinks the comm port should have. To fix the problem, Type : a 1529 mov al,01 [Enter] a 152d nop [Enter] where [Enter] is the Enter key (do not type the characters)! To verify that you typed everything correctly, Type u 1529 Debug should show : MOV AL,01 JCXZ 152E NOP ADD DX,+04 OUT DX,AL To save the corrections Type : w Debug should show : Writing 35EF7 bytes Now type Q and you are finished patching BCOM45.LIB BRUN45.EXE DTR Patch -------------------- First, rename BRUN45.EXE to BRUN45.X With Debug in a DOS path, type : debug BRUN45.X Type : s cs:0 ffff b0 00 e3 01 Debug should show : xxxx:9E78 where xxxx can be any number depending upon where Debug loaded the program into memory. In any case, the number is not important. Type : u 9e78 Debug should show : MOV AL,00 JCXZ 9E7D INC AX ADD DX,+04 OUT DX,AL This is where QB graciously resets the comm port to parameters it thinks the comm port should have. To fix the problem, Type : a 9e78 mov al,01 [Enter] a 9e7c nop [Enter] where [Enter] is the Enter key (do not type the characters)! To verify that you typed everything correctly, Type u 9e78 Debug should show : MOV AL,01 JCXZ 9E7D NOP ADD DX,+04 OUT DX,AL To save the corrections Type : w Debug should show : Writing 12E80 bytes Now type Q and you are finished patching BRUN45.X Rename BRUN45.X back to BRUN45.EXE