Search Tips

I understand that when people see a search engine, they automatically assume it searches for all content. This is fine, but please note that the search engine is not located on this server, it's on my own, which does not allow me to store 30MB of code on it. Therefore, only the headers can be searched. The header part contains Code of, Subject, and Author's Name

Finding code for PowerBASIC Only:
  • Just add PB to your search, not POWERBASIC!
  • Example Search: PB 3D

    Finding code for QBasic Only:
  • Just add QBasic to your search
  • I think you get the idea.

    Abbreviate your searches:
  • Since only headers are searched, it's a good idea just to abbreviate your search.
  • Proper Search: DEC BIN
  • Remember! You can always revise your search if you get too many matches, so don't worry about it.

  • There may be times when you want to vary your search
  • Example Search: BMP ENCODER
  • One Variation: BMP MAKE
  • Another Variation: BITMAP MAKE
  • Best result: BMP or BITMAP

    Silly searches:
  • These searches are what I call a waste of bandwidth
  • Silly Search: GAMES SOURCE CODE
  • Just goto GAMES.ABC

    What works best:
  • One word searches. Remember, you can always revise your search!
  • Abbreviate your search, if GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE doesn't work, use GUI, or if HEXIDECIMAL doesn't work, use HEX instead.

    How can I search the body text?
  • Download the ABC Reader and ABC Packets!!!