About the All BASIC Code Archives

The All BASIC Code (or ABC) Archives is a comprehensive collection of BASIC Code. Here you will find code for the various BASIC languages available for all operating systems, but be warned, 99% of the codes are focused on DOS and Windows.

So what can I find?

We currently boast over 2200 snippets, and still growing! Almost every aspect of BASIC is covered in these packets, making this archive the most comprehensive collection of BASIC code anywhere!

How do I access all this?

You can access all the source codes via our Source code Archive on this homepage, or you can download the bi-monthly packets and view them off-line. You'll need to download one of our ABC Readers (available for DOS or Windows).

What is this Code Packet Paradigm?

There's people out there who surf the internet looking for source codes, and only once in a while downloads them. In other words, they are not source code fanatics, they don't have thousands of source codes lying on their system. The Code Packet Paradigm is just a way to store your snippets in a orderly and organized fashion. I'm a source code fanatic, I love downloading and running other people's codes, so why would I want 2000+ files on my system, when I can just organize them into about 50 or so "Packet" files. I can now easily search through them all, I can add descriptions to them and other cool stuff. It's so much easier to navigate through 50 files rather than 2000+ files. That is the Code Packet Paradigm, and that's why I created the ABC Readers and subsequently the All Code Reader.

Can I add to this collection?

Yes, please read the submission notes for all the details. Our survival depends on contributions from people like you, please help make the ABC Archives the best and most comprehensive BASIC site on the internet! It's also a great way to publish your work, and obtain feedback from other BASIC programmers.

I stumbled upon some POSTIT! code... what do I do?

First, what is Postit? It's an ingenious tool created by Rich Geldreich and others to distribute binaries across the FidoNet QUIK_BAS Echo. Think of a .UUE file, except to decode a Postit! encrypted file you need to run the code under (one of) QB/QBasic/PDS/VBDOS or PowerBASIC. If you look closely at the file, it looks like any other BASIC code. Just run it! For PowerBASIC users, don't forget to remove the DIM from DIM SHARED to get that code to run. Download the ABC Express Reader to eliminate this extra process.

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