Rapid-Q Documentation by William Yu (c)1999-2000 | Appendix A: QSTRINGGRID |
Field | Type | R/W | Default |
Align | INTEGER | RW | alNone |
Align determines how the control aligns within its parent control. | |||
BorderStyle | INTEGER | RW | bsSingle |
Cell | 2D ARRAY of STRING | RW | |
Cell(X, Y) is an array of strings, one string for each cell in the grid. X = Column, Y = Row |
Col | INTEGER | RW | |
Col is the index of the column that contains the selected cell. | |||
ColCount | INTEGER | RW | 5 |
Color | INTEGER | RW | |
ColumnList | ARRAY of STRING | RW | |
ColumnList maintains a list of strings deliminated by LF for use in Columned lists. | |||
ColumnStyle | ARRAY of INTEGER | RW | gcsNone |
ColumnStyle determines the style of each column. 0 = gcsList -- Column with a drop-down list for each item 1 = gcsEllipsis -- Column with an ellipsis button for each item 2 = gcsNone -- Normal column |
ColWidths | ARRAY of INTEGER | RW | |
ColWidths is an indexed array giving the width in pixels of all the columns in the grid. | |||
Cursor | INTEGER | RW | crDefault |
DefaultColWidth | INTEGER | RW | 64 |
DefaultRowHeight | INTEGER | RW | 24 |
EditorMode | INTEGER | RW | |
Enabled | INTEGER | RW | True |
FixedColor | INTEGER | RW | |
FixedCols | INTEGER | RW | 1 |
FixedColss is the number of columns on the left of the grid that cannot be scrolled. | |||
FixedRows | INTEGER | RW | 1 |
FixedRows is the number of rows on the top of the grid that cannot be scrolled. | |||
Font | QFONT | W | |
GridHeight | INTEGER | RW | |
GridLineWidth | INTEGER | RW | 1 |
GridWidth | INTEGER | RW | |
Handle | INTEGER | R | |
Height | INTEGER | RW | |
Hint | STRING | RW | |
Left | INTEGER | RW | 0 |
LeftCol | INTEGER | RW | |
PopupMenu | QPOPUPMENU | W | |
Row | INTEGER | RW | |
Row is the index of the row that contains the selected cell. | |||
RowCount | INTEGER | RW | 5 |
RowHeights | ARRAY of INTEGER | RW | |
RowHeights is an indexed array giving the height in pixels of all the rows in the grid. | |||
ScrollBars | INTEGER | RW | ssBoth |
Separator | STRING | RW | |
Separator determines how the stringgrid should parse (ie. read/write) grid data. For example, you can save the grid data to a file, with each item deliminated by the Separator. | |||
ShowHint | INTEGER | RW | False |
TabOrder | INTEGER | RW | |
TabStops | ARRAY of INTEGER | RW | |
Tag | INTEGER | RW | |
Top | INTEGER | RW | 0 |
TopRow | INTEGER | RW | |
Visible | INTEGER | RW | True |
VisibleColCount | INTEGER | R | |
VisibleRowCount | INTEGER | R | |
Width | INTEGER | RW |
Method | Type | Description | Params |
AddOptions | SUBI | Add options to string grid | INTEGER, Infinite |
DeleteCol | SUB (Column%) | Deletes/Remove a column | 1 |
DeleteRow | SUB (Row%) | Deletes/Remove a row | 1 |
DelOptions | SUBI | Delete options from string grid | INTEGER, Infinite |
Circle | SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%, fill%) | Draw & Fill Circle | 6 |
CopyRect | SUB (D, Image, S) | D and S are QRECTs, Image can be a QImage, QCanvas, or QBitmap | 3 |
Draw | SUB (x%, y%, BMP) | Draw Bitmap at (X,Y) | 3 |
FillRect | SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%) | Draws & Fills a rectangle | 5 |
InsertCol | SUB (Column%) | Inserts a blank column | 1 |
InsertRow | SUB (Row%) | Inserts a blank row | 1 |
Line | SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%) | Draws a line | 5 |
LoadFromFile | SUB (File$, RowOffset%, ColOffset%, MaxRows%) | Loads table from file w/Separator | 4 |
LoadFromStream | SUB (S AS QFileStream/QMemoryStream, RowOffset%, ColOffset%, MaxRows%) | Loads table from stream w/Separator | 4 |
Paint | SUB (x%, y%, c%, borderc%) | Fill Region | 4 |
Pset | SUB (x%, y%, c%) | Pixel plot | 3 |
Rectangle | SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%) | Draws a rectangle | 5 |
Repaint | SUB | Force repainting of stringgrid | 0 |
RoundRect | SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, x3%, y3%, c%) | Draws & Fills a rounded rectangle | 7 |
SaveToFile | SUB (File$, RowOffset%, ColOffset%, MaxRows%) | Saves table to file w/Separator | 4 |
SaveToStream | SUB (S AS QFileStream/QMemoryStream, RowOffset%, ColOffset%, MaxRows%) | Saves table to stream w/Separator | 4 |
SwapCols | SUB (Col1%, Col2%) | Swap two columns | 2 |
SwapRows | SUB (Row1%, Row2%) | Swap two rows | 2 |
StretchDraw | SUB (Rect AS QRECT, BMP) | Draw BMP and stretch to fit inside Rect | 2 |
TextHeight | FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD | Returns the height, in pixels, of Text$ string | 1 |
TextWidth | FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD | Returns the width, in pixels, of Text$ string | 1 |
TextRect | SUB (Rect AS QRECT, x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%) | Write text, and clip within region Rect | 6 |
TextOut | SUB (x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%) | Writes text to cell | 5 |
Event | Type | Occurs when... | Params |
OnDrawCell | SUB (Col%, Row%, State%, R AS QRect) | Cells need to be redrawn | 4 |
OnEllipsisClick | SUB (Col%, Row%) | Pull down list is clicked | 2 |
OnKeyDown | SUB (Key AS Word, Shift AS INTEGER) | Key held down | 2 |
OnKeyPress | SUB (Key AS BYTE) | User presses a key | 1 |
OnKeyUp | SUB (Key AS Word, Shift AS INTEGER) | User releases a key | 2 |
OnListDropDown | SUB (Col%, Row%, BYREF S AS STRING) | Pull down list is clicked. S is a string with items separated by a new line character. | 3 |
OnSelectCell | SUB (Col%, Row%, CanSelect%) | User has selected a cell | 3 |
OnSetEditText | SUB (Col%, Row%, Value$) | User has changed contents of cell | 3 |
CREATE Form AS QForm CREATE Grid AS QStringGrid Cell(1,1) = "hello" END CREATE Center ShowModal END CREATE '------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Pulldown list example $INCLUDE "RAPIDQ.INC" $ESCAPECHARS ON CONST AgeList = "10\n11\n12\n13\n14\n15\n16\n17\n18\n19" SUB EllipsisClick (Col AS LONG, Row AS LONG, Sender AS QSTRINGGRID) Sender.Cell(Col, Row) = "Comments"+STR$(Row) END SUB CREATE Form AS QFORM CREATE Grid AS QSTRINGGRID Align = alClient AddOptions(goEditing) FixedRows = 1 FixedCols = 0 ColCount = 3 RowCount = 5 DefaultRowHeight = 20 ColumnStyle(0) = gcsList ColumnStyle(1) = gcsEllipsis ColumnList(0) = AgeList Cell(0,0) = " Age" Cell(1,0) = " Comments" OnEllipsisClick = EllipsisClick END CREATE Caption = "Dropdown list example" Center ShowModal END CREATE