Rapid-Q Documentation by William Yu (c)1999 | Appendix A: QDIRTREE |
Field | Type | R/W | Default |
Align | INTEGER | RW | alNone |
BorderStyle | INTEGER | RW | bsSingle |
Color | INTEGER | RW | |
Cursor | INTEGER | RW | crDefault |
Directory | STRING | RW | False |
Enabled | INTEGER | RW | True |
FastLoad | INTEGER | RW | False |
Font | QFONT | W | |
Height | INTEGER | RW | |
HideSelection | INTEGER | RW | False |
Hint | STRING | RW | |
InitialDir | STRING | RW | |
Left | INTEGER | RW | 0 |
PopupMenu | QPOPUPMENU | W | |
ReadOnly | INTEGER | RW | False |
ReadOnStart | INTEGER | RW | False |
ShowHint | INTEGER | RW | False |
TabOrder | INTEGER | RW | |
Top | INTEGER | RW | 0 |
Width | INTEGER | RW | |
Visible | INTEGER | RW | True |
Method | Type | Description | Params |
AddDirTypes | SUB | Add directory types | 0 |
AddDriveTypes | SUB | Add drive types | 0 |
DelDirTypes | SUB | Del directory types | 0 |
DelDirTypes | SUB | Del drive types | 0 |
FullCollapse | SUB | Collapse entire directory list | 0 |
FullExpand | SUB | Expand entire directory list (slow!) | 0 |
Reload | SUB | Re-read directories | 0 |
Event | Type | Occurs when... | Params |
OnChange | VOID | Current directory changes | 0 |
'' A Directory Tree like Windows Explorer. '' QDIRTREE Component courtesy of Markus Stephany. '' I took out removable drives because it doesn't work properly. '' So you won't be able to view your floppy disk drives. CD-ROM drives '' are fine, as far as I know... $TYPECHECK ON DECLARE SUB ChangeDirectory CREATE Form AS QForm Caption = "Directory Tree" Center CREATE DirTree AS QDirTree InitialDir = CURDIR$ Width = Form.ClientWidth Height = Form.ClientHeight OnChange = ChangeDirectory END CREATE ShowModal END CREATE SUB ChangeDirectory ShowMessage DirTree.Directory END SUB