'********************************************************************* 'Puts the month day, year in the StatusBar. '********************************************************************* Declare FUNCTION MonthName (month%) as String mdy$ = MonthName (Val(LEFT$(DATE$,2))) mdy$ = mdy$ + " " + MID$(DATE$, 4, 2) mdy$ = mdy$ + ", "+ RIGHT$(DATE$, 4) Create Form as QForm Caption = "The Date is in the StatusBar" Create StatusBar as QStatusBar AddPanels "","" Panel(0).Caption = mdy$ Panel(0).Width=125 End Create ShowModal End Create FUNCTION MonthName (month%) as String m$ = "January February March April " m$ = m$ + "May June July August " m$ = m$ + "September October November December " mn$ = Mid$(m$, (month% - 1) * 10 + 1, 10) mn$ = RTrim$(mn$) MonthName = mn$ END FUNCTION