'=========================================================================== ' Subject: ANIMATION OF A WALKING MAN Date: 10-24-99 (09:33) ' Author: Michael Galos Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: galvin@powerup.com.au Packet: GRAPHICS.ABC '=========================================================================== 'This is the first animation I've ever properly made. 'Keep in mind that I was 12 when I wrote this on my then brand new 386! :) 'I also had no knowledge of arrays so it's not even close to optimised 'which would have helped. I've only just now added the comments and organised it. 'This program could be made a lot cleaner but it doesn't really use that 'much CPU power. You might need to adjust the speed for your computer. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCREEN 13 speed = 40000 'the speed of the animation (you might want to lower this) DIM half%(2000) 'allocate memory to store the graphics for each frame DIM man1%(2000) DIM man2%(2000) DIM man3%(2000) DIM man4%(2000) DIM man5%(2000) DIM man6%(2000) DIM man7%(2000) 'draw the ground: LINE (0, 110)-(319, 199), 2, BF 'this is the drawing for the 1st frame of animation for the man' PSET (160, 100), 7 DRAW "D5;R1;U5;D7;C13;D1;L4;U1;E1;R2;F1;L3" PSET (157, 106), 5 DRAW "L2;G1;D1;R2;U1;L1" PSET (159, 105), 8 DRAW "U7;C7;R2;D1;L1" PSET (158, 98), 8 DRAW "D7" PSET (161, 97), 3 DRAW "L3;G1;L2;H2;U2;E3;U1;E1;U1;R6;D8;G1" PAINT (160, 95), 11, 3 PSET (157, 98), 8 DRAW "D7" PSET (159, 98), 7 DRAW "D7" PSET (158, 98), 7 PSET (161, 90), 3 DRAW "H1;L1;G1;D2;R3;U1" PSET (161, 91), 11 DRAW "H1;L1;G1;R2" PSET (161, 91), 3 PSET (158, 91), 3 PSET (161, 93), 12 DRAW "L2;D2;L1;d1;r1;U1;R1;D1;R1;U2;L1" PSET (161, 108), 7 DRAW "L4" PSET (156, 108), 8 DRAW "L2" PSET (158, 87), 12 DRAW "E1;R1;F1;L2;U2;H2;U1;L1;U1;E1;U2;R4;F2;D4;G2" PSET (157, 84), 12 DRAW "F1" PAINT (160, 80), 12 PSET (163, 85), 6 DRAW "E1;U4;H2;L6;E1;R5;F2" PSET (162, 79), 6 DRAW "F1;D4;U4;H1;G1;D" PSET (161, 79), 6 PSET (157, 80), 1 GET (140, 60)-(180, 128), man1% 'grab the first fram and put it into man1% GET (140, 60)-(180, 98), half% 'grab the top half of him FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t 'pause for the next frame LINE (140, 99)-(180, 109), 0, BF 'erase him LINE (0, 110)-(319, 199), 2, BF 'redraw the ground (just to make sure it's the same) 'this is the second frame of animation' PSET (158, 99), 7 DRAW "DGDGDG;FR;eueueueu" PAINT (159, 100), 7 PSET (155, 106), 13 DRAW "l3;dg;frrf;e2u;l5;d;r4;g" PSET (151, 108), 7 DRAW "f1;r2;f" PSET (161, 99), 8 DRAW "d9;l2;u5;eud7" PSET (159, 108), 5 DRAW "r2;d2;l4uedrr" PSET (157, 110), 8 DRAW "r4" PSET (159, 91), 3 DRAW "f1;r1;e" PSET (161, 92), 12 DRAW "f1;f;g1;h2;u;f3" PSET (161, 95), 12 DRAW "f" GET (140, 60)-(170, 130), man2% 'grab the second frame FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t 'pause for the 3rd frame LINE (0, 70)-(319, 109), 0, BF 'erase the man PUT (140, 61), half%, PSET 'place the top half down LINE (0, 110)-(319, 199), 2, BF 'redraw the ground again 'this is where the 3rd frame gets drawn' PSET (158, 100), 7 DRAW "gggd3rrr;uuu;eeelgggddluueee" PSET (157, 100), 8 PSET (160, 101), 8 DRAW "fdfdf;l2;uguugurrhug" PSET (156, 107), 13 DRAW "r2;d1;l6;e1;r3" PSET (153, 109), 7 DRAW "r5" PSET (159, 107), 5 DRAW "r4;d;l4;d1;c8;r4" PSET (159, 91), 3 DRAW "f1;r1;e" PSET (159, 94), 11 DRAW "r2;d4;l3;u1;r2;d1;l1;u2l;r2;u1;l1" PSET (161, 92), 12 DRAW "f1;f;g1;h2;u;f3" PSET (161, 95), 12 DRAW "f" GET (140, 60)-(170, 130), man3% 'grab the 3rd frame FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t 'pause for the 4th frame LINE (0, 70)-(319, 109), 0, BF 'erase the man PUT (140, 61), half%, PSET 'place his top half down again LINE (0, 110)-(319, 199), 2, BF 'redraw the ground 'this is where the 4th frame gets drawn' PSET (158, 100), 7 DRAW "d3;g;d3;r3;u3;e1;u3;l1;d3;l;u5;d8;l1;u2" PSET (157, 107), 13 DRAW "R3;D1;L5;E" PSET (155, 109), 7 DRAW "R5" PSET (156, 102), 8 DRAW "E1;D2;L" PSET (161, 104), 8 DRAW "f2;l2;u1;fg" PSET (161, 107), 5 DRAW "er;f;lg;le" PSET (161, 109), 8 DRAW "err" PUT (140, 60), half%, PSET 'put down half his body GET (140, 60)-(170, 130), man4% 'grab the 4th frame FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t 'pause for the 5th frame LINE (0, 100)-(319, 109), 0, BF 'erase the man 'this is where the 5th frame is drawn' LINE (158, 100)-(159, 106), 7 LINE (160, 100)-(161, 106), 7 LINE (159, 100)-(160, 106), 7 LINE (0, 110)-(319, 199), 2, BF PSET (161, 106), 13 DRAW "d1;l5;e1;r3" PSET (156, 108), 7 DRAW "r5" LINE (157, 99)-(153, 105), 8 PSET (153, 105), 8 DRAW "r3eueulgd2;l" PSET (157, 102), 8 PSET (153, 105), 5 DRAW "rfr;g;hlhd" PSET (152, 107), 8 DRAW "rrr" GET (140, 60)-(170, 130), man5% 'grab the 5th frame FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t 'pause for the 6th frame LINE (0, 70)-(319, 109), 0, BF 'erase the man PUT (140, 62), half%, PSET 'place the top half of him down LINE (0, 110)-(319, 199), 2, BF 'redraw the ground again 'this is where the 6th frame is drawn' PSET (159, 94), 11 DRAW "r2;d4;l3;u1;r2;d1;l1;u2l;r2;u1;l1" PSET (159, 94), 12 DRAW "g1;h1;g2;f2;e3u;g3;u2g" PSET (158, 100), 8 DRAW "g3;dgd1;r2;ueue2;lggdgd" PSET (159, 100), 7 DRAW "d3;f;d2rruuhuuu;l;dddfdd" PSET (156, 107), 5 DRAW "d1;l5;e1;r3" PSET (151, 109), 8 DRAW "r5" PSET (159, 107), 13 DRAW "r3;d1;l5e" PSET (157, 109), 7 DRAW "r5" GET (140, 60)-(170, 130), man6% 'grab the 6th frame FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t 'pause for the 7th LINE (0, 70)-(319, 109), 0, BF 'erase the man PUT (140, 61), half%, PSET 'place down half his body again LINE (0, 110)-(319, 199), 2, BF 'redraw the ground 'this is where the 7th and final frame is drawn' PSET (158, 100), 7 DRAW "dgd;fdfd;r2;uhuhu;eueu;l;dgdgdfdfd" PSET (157, 108), 13 DRAW "rere;f;lglgl" PSET (158, 110), 7 DRAW "erer" PSET (160, 102), 8 DRAW "d1;r1;d2;u5" PSET (158, 107), 8 PSET (158, 106), 8 PSET (156, 107), 5 DRAW "r1;l1;d1" PSET (156, 109), 8 PSET (161, 109), 8 GET (140, 60)-(170, 130), man7% 'grab the 7th frame FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t 'pause before going back to the 1st frame animation: 'the actual animation PUT (140, 60), man2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t PUT (140, 60), man3%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t PUT (140, 60), man4%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t PUT (140, 60), man5%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t PUT (140, 60), man6%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t PUT (140, 60), man7%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t LOCATE 1, 16: PRINT "Hit Space" a$ = INKEY$ IF a$ = " " THEN GOTO cliff GOTO animation cliff: PUT (140, 60), man2%, PSET edge = edge + 5: GOSUB cliffwrite FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t PUT (140, 60), man3%, PSET edge = edge + 5: GOSUB cliffwrite FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t PUT (140, 60), man4%, PSET edge = edge + 5: GOSUB cliffwrite FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t PUT (140, 60), man5%, PSET edge = edge + 5: GOSUB cliffwrite FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t PUT (140, 60), man6%, PSET edge = edge + 5: GOSUB cliffwrite FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t PUT (140, 60), man7%, PSET edge = edge + 5: GOSUB cliffwrite FOR t = 1 TO speed: NEXT t GOTO cliff cliffwrite: LINE (0, 0)-(edge, 199), 0, BF IF edge = 150 THEN GOTO fall RETURN fall: LINE (152, 110)-(319, 199), 2, BF LINE (0, 0)-(319, 109), 0, BF PSET (149, 110), 7 DRAW "rer" PSET (149, 109), 13 DRAW "rer;u;lgll" PSET (159, 102), 5 DRAW "d3;r1;u3;r1;c8;d3" PSET (149, 107), 7 DRAW "uhuheueuerer;gdgdgdfdfdhguuulduuugeuurduur" PSET (153, 98), 8 DRAW "dddfrrrrddllllhhuudffrrrr" PSET (154, 101), 8 PSET (151, 97), 3 DRAW "llhlhhuu;eehu;rrerr;fddfddfdd;gll" PAINT (152, 95), 11, 3 PSET (149, 90), 3 DRAW "r;f;d;ll;u;e" PSET (148, 91), 12 DRAW "gghgffeee;lgghe" PSET (145, 87), 12 DRAW "rrrerreuuhuuhhhlllgll;fdf;lgddreddfdd" PAINT (146, 84), 12 PSET (142, 78), 6 DRAW "r2;e;r3fffddfdd;g;h;uuu;f;ddduuu;hh;u2;l7;e;rrrrrr;f;ddd;uuu;h;ll;ddd" PSET (143, 81), 1 PSET (144, 86), 0 DRAW "r;e;r;d;ll;gll" PSET (145, 82), 12 DRAW "e2" FOR t = 1 TO y: NEXT t LINE (0, 0)-(319, 109), 0, BF PSET (110, 107), 6 DRAW "u9dfedfeuudddrefrrhlllllluuudfldrrrefllrrrfllllllllddddd;r;c12;uuuurrrrrrrdllddelulllldd;c1;r;c12dlrduruulrrrrrggdeellhgddlhh" PSET (120, 101), 3 DRAW "rrrrerrrrrddddddddlllhlhlhhluu;r;c11;rrrerrrrddddddllhlhlhhrrrerrrddddhlhlerdru;lllldrfrf;uulc3lluuurrddduuuuc12;uuuulldddhfdruuu" PSET (131, 107), 7 DRAW "rrrrrrrerrrrrrruuuullllllllhllllllddddddd" PAINT (133, 105), 7 PSET (147, 102), 13 DRAW "dddddfrrc7uuuuuulc13llfddddruuuu" PSET (140, 101), 8 DRAW "rrrrellllueueurrrrdgdgdgeulllerrullerr" PSET (143, 94), 5 DRAW "rrrrreuullllllddderrrrullll" PSET (143, 92), 8 DRAW "rrrrrr" PSET (143, 91), 0 DRAW "rrrrrr" PSET (150, 110), 0 PSET (149, 110), 0 DIM fallman1%(5000) FOR t = 1 TO 3000: NEXT t GET (100, 92)-(153, 109), fallman1% LINE (100, 92)-(153, 110), 0, BF PSET (151, 110), 2 DRAW "r5l5d8" PSET (150, 126), 0 DRAW "l5" PUT (98, 100), fallman1%, PSET PSET (109, 107), 6 PSET (130, 108), 7 PSET (129, 108), 7 PSET (135, 109), 7 DRAW "rrr" PSET (114, 106), 6 PSET (116, 107), 6 DIM fallman2%(5000) GET (98, 100)-(151, 117), fallman2% FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (98, 100)-(151, 118), 0, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET PSET (151, 110), 2 DRAW "r5l5d8" PSET (150, 126), 0 DRAW "l5" 'GOTO casdf2 LINE (0, 0)-(151, 199), 0, BF LINE (151, 105)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 100)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 95)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 90)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 85)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 80)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 75)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 70)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 65)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 60)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 55)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 50)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 45)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 40)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 35)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 30)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 25)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 20)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 15)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 10)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 5)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (151, 0)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 195)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 190)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 185)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 180)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 175)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 170)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 165)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 160)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 155)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 150)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 145)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 140)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 135)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 130)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t LINE (0, 126)-(319, 199), 2, BF PUT (97, 108), fallman2%, PSET casdf2: PSET (130, 125), 4 DRAW "rrrrrc12rr" PSET (146, 125), 4 DRAW "rrr" PSET (120, 124), 4 DRAW "rrr" FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (97, 108), fallman1%, PSET PSET (107, 112), 0 DRAW "rrrrrrrrdlllllllldrrrrrrrrdllllllll" PSET (107, 115), 6 DRAW "rrrrrr" PSET (121, 116), 0 DRAW "rrulllhrrrrullurr" PSET (120, 119), 12 DRAW "rrrrulll" PSET (137, 117), 0 DRAW "rrrrellllurrrrellllurrrrellllurrrreellllllurrrrrrllllllddrrrr" PSET (139, 117), 8 DRAW "rrrrrrerllllllerrrrrrrellllll" PSET (145, 113), 5 DRAW "rrfrrullhllurrfrruc8llhll" DIM squash1%(5000) GET (97, 108)-(151, 117), squash1% PSET (130, 125), 4 DRAW "rrrrrrrrrrrr" PSET (120, 125), 4 DRAW "rrrrrr" PSET (122, 124), 4 DRAW "rr" PSET (132, 123), 4 DRAW "r" PSET (142, 123), 4 PSET (120, 121), 4 DRAW "rr" PSET (124, 122), 4 DRAW "rrr" PSET (132, 120), 4 DRAW "r" PSET (118, 119), 4 LINE (0, 125)-(319, 199), 2, BF x = 0 1000000 CIRCLE (130, 115), x, 4 CIRCLE (120, 120), x, 4 FOR t = 1 TO v: NEXT t x = x + 1 IF x = 9 THEN GOTO splash GOTO 1000000 splash: LINE (105, 110)-(151, 130), 4, BF PSET (106, 109), 4 DRAW "r39" PSET (104, 111), 4 DRAW "d18" PSET (106, 130), 4 DRAW "rrfrrffrffrerrrrrrrerrrerrrfrrrfrrrerreee" PAINT (130, 131), 4 PSET (106, 109), 4 DRAW "rrrrerrrrereeerrrfrrrfrrerrrfreerrrffrrffrrf" PAINT (130, 107), 4 PSET (103, 111), 4 DRAW "dgdgfdffdgdgdfdfdd" PSET (103, 123), 4 DRAW "d" PSET (103, 113), 4 DRAW "dgrddd" PSET (105, 130), 4 DRAW "rddgdffrreuhuurllldgdfrrelllued" PSET (139, 130), 4 DRAW "rddgdffrreuhuurllldgdfrrelllued" DIM blooddrip1%(200) GET (106, 133)-(112, 138), blooddrip1% PUT (106, 134), blooddrip1%, PSET PUT (140, 134), blooddrip1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO m: NEXT t PUT (106, 135), blooddrip1%, PSET PUT (140, 134), blooddrip1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO m: NEXT t PUT (106, 136), blooddrip1%, PSET PUT (140, 135), blooddrip1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO m: NEXT t PUT (106, 137), blooddrip1%, PSET PUT (140, 135), blooddrip1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO m: NEXT t PUT (106, 138), blooddrip1%, PSET PUT (140, 136), blooddrip1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO m: NEXT t FOR t = 1 TO 10000: NEXT t LINE (0, 125)-(319, 199), 2, BF LINE (0, 0)-(150, 124), 0, BF PUT (110, 75), man1%, PSET 'dynamite1' PSET (124, 107), 4 DRAW "hhheffflhhu" 'dynamite2' LINE (0, 124)-(151, 124), 2 LINE (151, 0)-(151, 199), 2 g = 1 strt: 'frame1clear' PSET (122, 101), 0 PSET (120, 102), 0 PSET (121, 101), 0 'frame1' PSET (121, 103), 14 PSET (122, 102), 12 PSET (119, 102), 6 PSET (120, 101), 4 FOR t = 1 TO w: NEXT t 'frame2clear' PSET (122, 102), 0 PSET (119, 102), 0 PSET (120, 101), 0 'frame2' PSET (122, 101), 4 PSET (120, 102), 6 PSET (121, 101), 12 FOR t = 1 TO w: NEXT t g = g + 1 IF g = 3 THEN GOTO nextt GOTO strt END nextt: PUT (110, 75), man1%, PSET LINE (0, 124)-(151, 124), 2 LINE (151, 0)-(151, 199), 2 PSET (122, 104), 4 DRAW "hhhefffdhhh" PSET (122, 105), 12 DRAW "rruudfddlul" h = 1 firee: 'frame1clear' PSET (119, 99), 0 PSET (117, 99), 0 PSET (120, 99), 0 'frame1' PSET (119, 100), 14 PSET (118, 99), 12 PSET (120, 98), 6 PSET (119, 97), 4 'frame2clear' PSET (118, 99), 0 PSET (120, 98), 0 PSET (119, 97), 0 'frame2' PSET (119, 100), 14 PSET (119, 99), 6 PSET (117, 99), 4 PSET (120, 99), 12 h = h + 1 IF h = 600 THEN GOTO gexttt GOTO firee END gexttt: PUT (110, 75), man1%, PSET LINE (0, 124)-(151, 124), 2 LINE (151, 0)-(151, 199), 2 PSET (124, 106), 12 DRAW "lhllhueerddrrgrddrddhluuullluru" PSET (124, 104), 0 PSET (122, 102), 4 DRAW "ueueurdgdgdl" PSET (125, 98), 14 FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (110, 75), man1%, PSET LINE (0, 124)-(151, 124), 2 LINE (151, 0)-(151, 199), 2 PSET (125, 106), 12 DRAW "uhuhuerrddrdldluuleldl" PSET (126, 100), 4 DRAW "fehl" FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PSET (126, 100), 0 DRAW "fehl" PSET (126, 101), 0 DRAW "luulddlderrrrf" FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (110, 75), man1%, PSET LINE (0, 124)-(151, 124), 2 LINE (151, 0)-(151, 199), 2 FOR t = 1 TO 10000: NEXT t PSET (127, 100), 0 DRAW "rul" PSET (127, 102), 12 DRAW "e" PSET (123, 111), 3 DRAW "hhuuererreu" PSET (123, 111), 11 DRAW "uueeelldlldrld" FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t DIM belly1%(5000) GET (100, 75)-(150, 117), belly1% PSET (125, 113), 3 DRAW "llhlhlhuhueuererrrrf" PSET (123, 111), 11 DRAW "hhuuererreu" PSET (125, 112), 11 DRAW "llhlullurullurrellurrrrhlrrrr" DIM belly2%(5000) GET (100, 75)-(150, 127), belly2% PUT (99, 75), belly2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (100, 75), belly2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (99, 75), belly2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (100, 75), belly2%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (100, 75), belly1%, PSET FOR t = 1 TO z: NEXT t PUT (110, 75), man1%, PSET LINE (0, 124)-(151, 124), 2 LINE (151, 0)-(151, 199), 2