'=========================================================================== ' Subject: BURNING TEXT Date: 09-04-99 (21:32) ' Author: Ruud Wijtvliet Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: wijtvliet.c@wxs.nl Packet: GRAPHICS.ABC '=========================================================================== 'ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄ--Ä - '³ '³ 05-09-1999 '³ Burning Text... '³ '³ Created by Ruud Wijtvliet '³ '³ Feel free to use this routine in any program you want, but '³ it would be nice if you'd send me the program you used it in. '³ Here's the adress, although i'm 99.9% sure you won't use it ;) '³ wijtvliet.c@wxs.nl '³ '³ To adapt the text, go to the bottom line (the DATA statement). '³ Just put some $trings behind the DATA (all text between "" and '³ seperated by ,). Make sure the last word is "STOP", otherwise '³ you'll get an errormessage (Out of DATA). '³ '³ You could also try messing up the palette... '³ 'ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄ - ' ' ' ' ' SCREEN 13: CLS : RANDOMIZE TIMER '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Setting Palette: FOR i% = 0 TO 63 'Cold -> Warm colr% = i% + 1: r% = i%: g% = 0: b% = 0: GOSUB Pal 'Warm -> Hot colr% = i% + 63: r% = 63: g% = i%: b% = 0: GOSUB Pal NEXT i% '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO READ Text$ IF Text$ = "STOP" THEN END Breed% = LEN(Text$) * 4 + 6 LOCATE 12, 21 - LEN(Text$) / 2: COLOR 126: PRINT Text$ Links% = 160 - Breed% Rechts% = 160 + Breed% Boven% = 70 Onder% = 99 '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REDIM clr(Links% TO Rechts%, Boven% TO Onder%) AS INTEGER DIM a%(2) FOR x% = Links% TO Rechts% FOR y% = Boven% TO Onder% GET (x%, y%)-STEP(0, 0), a% clr(x%, y%) = a%(2) NEXT y% NEXT x% SLEEP '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- stap% = 0 DO stap% = stap% + 1 FOR y% = Boven% + 1 TO Onder% - 1 STEP 1 FOR x% = Links% + 1 TO Rechts% - 1 IF clr(x%, y% + 1) > 1 OR clr(x%, y%) > 1 THEN h1% = clr(x% - 1, y% - 1) h2% = clr(x%, y% - 1) h3% = clr(x% + 1, y% - 1) h4% = clr(x% - 1, y%) h5% = clr(x% + 1, y%) h6% = clr(x% - 1, y% + 1) * 2 h7% = clr(x%, y% + 1) * 3 h8% = clr(x% + 1, y% + 1) * 2 clr(x%, y%) = (h1% + h2% + h3% + h4% + h5% + h6% + h7% + h8%) \ 12 PSET (x%, y%), clr(x%, y%) END IF NEXT x% NEXT y% LOOP UNTIL stap% > 18 LOOP '============================================================================= 'Palette instellen (zo = sneller dan met PALETTE): Pal: OUT &H3C8, colr% OUT &H3C9, r% OUT &H3C9, g% OUT &H3C9, b% RETURN '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA "Ruud Wijtvliet Productions","Presents","Burning Text","STOP"