'=========================================================================== ' Subject: JPEG VIEWER V1.2 FOR SCREEN 13 Date: 07-31-99 (15:33) ' Author: Dmitry Brant Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: dmitrybrant.hypermart.net Packet: GRAPHICS.ABC '=========================================================================== 'JPEG Viewer by Dmitry Brant Version 1.2 ' 'http://dmitrybrant.hypermart.net 'dmitrybrant24@hotmail.com ' 'This program is freeware. Use freely, but give me credit where credit 'is due. Feel free to make improvements, additions, and optimizations. 'If you do, please tell me or show me what you have done. 'This program is also provided on an "as-is" basis. 'I can't be held responsible for the mischevious deeds you may perform 'with the aid of this program. ' 'NOTE: This specific edition of the viewer is designed to work with SCREEN 13. 'Because SCREEN 13 does not support packed-pixeling (HiColor), the JPG files 'can only be displayed in grayscale. 'The program will create a grayscale palette (0 to 255), and display only the 'Luminance (Y) attribute of the JPG file. 'This is the only SUB that has to be called to display the image. DECLARE SUB PutJPG13 (file$, x0%, y0%) 'file$ = filename of the JPG image 'x0, y0 = coordinates where to start drawing the image 'These other functions are called from within the PutJPG sub. 'They are useless by themselves. DECLARE FUNCTION Decode% (inArray() AS ANY, hnum%) DECLARE FUNCTION ReceiveBits% (cat%) DECLARE FUNCTION NextBit% () DECLARE SUB ToRGB (y0%, cb0%, cr0%, r0%, g0%, b0%) DECLARE SUB GetBlock (vector%(), HuffDC() AS ANY, HuffDCNum%, HuffAC() AS ANY, HuffACNum%, Quant%(), QuantNum%, dcCoef%) DECLARE FUNCTION GetHuffTables% () DECLARE FUNCTION GetQuantTables% (inArray() AS INTEGER) DECLARE FUNCTION GetSOS% () DECLARE FUNCTION GetWord& () DECLARE FUNCTION GetByte% () DECLARE FUNCTION GetSOI% () DECLARE FUNCTION GetImageAttr% () DEFINT A-Z TYPE JpegType 'some type definitions (for coherence) rows AS INTEGER 'image height cols AS INTEGER 'image width SamplesY AS INTEGER 'sampling ratios SamplesCbCr AS INTEGER QuantTableY AS INTEGER 'quantization table numbers QuantTableCbCr AS INTEGER HuffDCTableY AS INTEGER 'huffman table numbers HuffDCTableCbCr AS INTEGER HuffACTableY AS INTEGER HuffACTableCbCr AS INTEGER NumComp AS INTEGER 'number of components END TYPE TYPE HuffmanEntry 'a type for huffman tables Index AS LONG Code AS INTEGER Length AS INTEGER END TYPE 'a few global variables COMMON SHARED curByte, curBits, jfile, EOI, DCTables, ACTables, QTables COMMON SHARED a$ DIM SHARED image AS JpegType DIM SHARED HuffmanDC(0 TO 1, 0 TO 255) AS HuffmanEntry DIM SHARED HuffmanAC(0 TO 1, 0 TO 255) AS HuffmanEntry DIM SHARED dct(0 TO 7, 0 TO 7, 0 TO 7, 0 TO 7) AS INTEGER '--------- A demonstration ---------- CLS FILES "*.jpg": PRINT INPUT "Enter a valid .JPG image file name> ", f$ SCREEN 13: COLOR 255 OUT &H3C8, 0 'create the grayscale palette FOR i = 0 TO 255: OUT &H3C9, i \ 4: OUT &H3C9, i \ 4: OUT &H3C9, i \ 4: NEXT i PutJPG13 f$, 0, 0 'draw the image at offset 0,0 BEEP SYSTEM '--------- End of Demo ---------- Zig2: 'Zigzag patterns for reordering quantization tables and vectors DATA 0,0 ZigzagPositions: DATA 0,1,1,0 DATA 2,0,1,1,0,2 DATA 0,3,1,2,2,1,3,0 DATA 4,0,3,1,2,2,1,3,0,4 DATA 0,5,1,4,2,3,3,2,4,1,5,0 DATA 6,0,5,1,4,2,3,3,2,4,1,5,0,6 DATA 0,7,1,6,2,5,3,4,4,3,5,2,6,1,7,0 DATA 7,1,6,2,5,3,4,4,3,5,2,6,1,7 DATA 2,7,3,6,4,5,5,4,6,3,7,2 DATA 7,3,6,4,5,5,4,6,3,7 DATA 4,7,5,6,6,5,7,4 DATA 7,5,6,6,5,7 DATA 6,7,7,6 DATA 7,7 FUNCTION Decode (inArray() AS HuffmanEntry, hnum) IF GetByte = 255 THEN n1 = GetByte IF n1 >= &HD0 AND n1 <= &HD7 THEN n2 = 2 ^ curBits - 1 SEEK #jfile, SEEK(jfile) - 2 IF curByte AND n2 = n2 THEN 'if the remaining bits are 1 EOI = 1 Decode = 0 EXIT FUNCTION END IF ELSE SEEK #jfile, SEEK(jfile) - 2 END IF ELSE SEEK #jfile, SEEK(jfile) - 1 END IF curVal& = 0 MatchFound = -1 FOR l = 1 TO 16 'cycle through 16 possible Huffman lengths curVal& = curVal& * 2 + NextBit IF EOI THEN EXIT FUNCTION FOR i = 0 TO 255 'look for a match in the Huffman table IF inArray(hnum, i).Length > l THEN EXIT FOR IF inArray(hnum, i).Length = l THEN IF inArray(hnum, i).Index = curVal& THEN MatchFound = i: EXIT FOR END IF NEXT i IF MatchFound > -1 THEN EXIT FOR NEXT l IF MatchFound = -1 THEN BEEP: Decode = -1: EXIT FUNCTION Decode = inArray(hnum, MatchFound).Code 'return the appropriate code END FUNCTION SUB GetBlock (vector(), HuffDC() AS HuffmanEntry, HuffDCNum, HuffAC() AS HuffmanEntry, HuffACNum, Quant(), QuantNum, dcCoef) DIM array2(0 TO 7, 0 TO 7) EOI = 0 temp0 = Decode(HuffDC(), HuffDCNum) 'Get the DC coefficient IF EOI THEN d = 0 dcCoef = dcCoef + ReceiveBits(temp0) vector(0, 0) = dcCoef * Quant(QuantNum, 0, 0) xpos = 0: ypos = 0 RESTORE ZigzagPositions ACcount = 1 DO d = Decode(HuffAC(), HuffACNum) IF EOI THEN d = 0 zeros = d \ 16 bits = d AND 15 bitVal = ReceiveBits(bits) IF zeros = 0 AND bits = 0 THEN 'EOB Encountered FOR j = ACcount TO 63 READ xpos, ypos vector(xpos, ypos) = 0 NEXT j EXIT DO ELSEIF zeros = 15 AND bits = 0 THEN 'ZRL encountered FOR j = ACcount TO ACcount + 15 READ xpos, ypos vector(xpos, ypos) = 0 NEXT j ACcount = ACcount + 16 ELSE FOR j = 1 TO zeros READ xpos, ypos vector(xpos, ypos) = 0 ACcount = ACcount + 1 IF ACcount >= 64 THEN EXIT DO NEXT j READ xpos, ypos vector(xpos, ypos) = bitVal * Quant(QuantNum, xpos, ypos) ACcount = ACcount + 1 END IF IF ACcount >= 64 THEN EXIT DO LOOP FOR x = 0 TO 7 'the IDCT routine (this SOB flies!) FOR y = 0 TO 7 sum = 0 FOR v = 0 TO 7 FOR u = 0 TO 7 temp& = vector(u, v) IF temp& THEN temp& = temp& * dct(x, y, u, v) / 512 sum = sum + temp& NEXT u NEXT v array2(x, y) = sum NEXT y NEXT x FOR u = 0 TO 7 FOR v = 0 TO 7 vector(u, v) = array2(u, v) + 128 NEXT v NEXT u END SUB FUNCTION GetByte GET #jfile, , a$ GetByte = ASC(a$) END FUNCTION FUNCTION GetHuffTables DIM HuffAmount(1 TO 16) l0 = GetWord c0 = 2 DO temp0 = GetByte: c0 = c0 + 1 t0 = (temp0 AND 16) \ 16 temp0 = temp0 AND 15 SELECT CASE t0 CASE 0 'DC Table total = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 16 temp1 = GetByte: c0 = c0 + 1 total = total + temp1 HuffAmount(i) = temp1 NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO total - 1 HuffmanDC(temp0, i).Code = GetByte: c0 = c0 + 1 NEXT i curNum& = 0 curIndex = -1 FOR i = 1 TO 16 FOR j = 1 TO HuffAmount(i) curIndex = curIndex + 1 HuffmanDC(temp0, curIndex).Index = curNum& HuffmanDC(temp0, curIndex).Length = i curNum& = curNum& + 1 NEXT j curNum& = curNum& * 2 NEXT i DCTables = DCTables + 1 CASE 1 total = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 16 temp1 = GetByte: c0 = c0 + 1 total = total + temp1 HuffAmount(i) = temp1 NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO total - 1 HuffmanAC(temp0, i).Code = GetByte: c0 = c0 + 1 NEXT i curNum& = 0 curIndex = -1 FOR i = 1 TO 16 FOR j = 1 TO HuffAmount(i) curIndex = curIndex + 1 HuffmanAC(temp0, curIndex).Index = curNum& HuffmanAC(temp0, curIndex).Length = i curNum& = curNum& + 1 NEXT j curNum& = curNum& * 2 NEXT i ACTables = ACTables + 1 END SELECT LOOP UNTIL c0 >= l0 GetHuffTables = 1 END FUNCTION FUNCTION GetImageAttr temp4& = GetWord 'Length of segment temp0 = GetByte 'Data precision IF temp0 <> 8 THEN GetImageAttr = 0: EXIT FUNCTION 'we do not support 12 or 16-bit samples image.rows = GetWord 'Image Height image.cols = GetWord 'Image Width temp0 = GetByte 'Number of components FOR i = 1 TO temp0 id = GetByte SELECT CASE id CASE 1 temp1 = GetByte image.SamplesY = (temp1 AND 15) * (temp1 \ 16) image.QuantTableY = GetByte CASE 2, 3 temp1 = GetByte image.SamplesCbCr = (temp1 AND 15) * (temp1 \ 16) image.QuantTableCbCr = GetByte END SELECT NEXT i GetImageAttr = 1 END FUNCTION FUNCTION GetQuantTables (inArray() AS INTEGER) l0 = GetWord c0 = 2 DO temp0 = GetByte: c0 = c0 + 1 IF temp0 AND &HF0 THEN GetQuantTables = 0: EXIT FUNCTION 'we don't support 16-bit tables END IF temp0 = temp0 AND 15 RESTORE Zig2 xp = 0: yp = 0 FOR i = 0 TO 63 READ xp, yp inArray(temp0, xp, yp) = GetByte: c0 = c0 + 1 NEXT i QTables = QTables + 1 LOOP UNTIL c0 >= l0 GetQuantTables = 1: EXIT FUNCTION END FUNCTION FUNCTION GetSOI a$ = " " SEEK #jfile, 1 GET #jfile, , a$ IF a$ = CHR$(255) + CHR$(&HD8) THEN d = 1 ELSE d = 0 a$ = " " GetSOI = d END FUNCTION FUNCTION GetSOS temp4& = GetWord temp0 = GetByte IF temp0 <> 1 AND temp0 <> 3 THEN GetSOS = 0: EXIT FUNCTION image.NumComp = temp0 FOR i = 1 TO temp0 temp1 = GetByte SELECT CASE temp1 CASE 1 temp2 = GetByte image.HuffACTableY = temp2 AND 15 image.HuffDCTableY = temp2 \ 16 CASE 2 temp2 = GetByte image.HuffACTableCbCr = temp2 AND 15 image.HuffDCTableCbCr = temp2 \ 16 CASE 3 temp2 = GetByte image.HuffACTableCbCr = temp2 AND 15 image.HuffDCTableCbCr = temp2 \ 16 CASE ELSE GetSOS = 0: EXIT FUNCTION END SELECT NEXT i a$ = " " '3 reserved bytes (?) GET #1, , a$ a$ = " " GetSOS = 1 END FUNCTION FUNCTION GetWord& GET #jfile, , a$ l0& = CLNG(ASC(a$)) * 256 GET #jfile, , a$ l0& = l0& + ASC(a$) GetWord& = l0& END FUNCTION FUNCTION NextBit t0 = 2 ^ curBits v0 = -((curByte AND t0) <> 0) curBits = curBits - 1 IF curBits < 0 THEN curBits = 7: curByte = GetByte IF curByte = 255 THEN IF GetByte = &HD9 THEN EOI = 1: EXIT FUNCTION END IF END IF NextBit = v0 END FUNCTION SUB PutJPG13 (file$, x0, y0) DIM YVector1(0 TO 7, 0 TO 7) '4 vectors for Y attribute DIM YVector2(0 TO 7, 0 TO 7) DIM YVector3(0 TO 7, 0 TO 7) DIM YVector4(0 TO 7, 0 TO 7) DIM CbVector(0 TO 7, 0 TO 7) '1 vector for Cb attribute DIM CrVector(0 TO 7, 0 TO 7) '1 vector for Cr attribute DIM QuantTable(0 TO 1, 0 TO 7, 0 TO 7) '2 quantization tables (Y, CbCr) FOR x = 0 TO 7 'Initialize our cosine table FOR y = 0 TO 7 FOR u = 0 TO 7 FOR v = 0 TO 7 t! = COS((2 * x + 1) * u * .1963495) * COS((2 * y + 1) * v * .1963495) IF u = 0 THEN t! = t! * .707107 IF v = 0 THEN t! = t! * .707107 dct(x, y, u, v) = t! * 128 NEXT v NEXT u NEXT y NEXT x jfile = FREEFILE a$ = " " 'The ideal byte OPEN file$ FOR BINARY AS #jfile IF LOF(jfile) = 0 THEN CLOSE #jfile: KILL file$: PRINT "File does not exist.": EXIT SUB IF GetSOI = 0 THEN PRINT "Not a valid JPEG/JFIF file.": CLOSE #jfile: EXIT SUB QTables = 0 'Initialize some checkpoint variables ACTables = 0 DCTables = 0 Restart& = 0 DO 'Primary control loop for markers IF GetByte = 255 THEN 'Marker Found d = GetByte SELECT CASE d 'which one is it? CASE &HC0 'SOF0 IF GetImageAttr = 0 THEN PRINT "Error getting Start Of Frame 0 Marker.": CLOSE #jfile: EXIT SUB CASE &HC1 'SOF1 IF GetImageAttr = 0 THEN PRINT "Error getting Start Of Frame 1 Marker.": CLOSE #jfile: EXIT SUB CASE &HC9 'SOF9 PRINT "Arithmetic Coding Not Supported.": CLOSE #jfile: EXIT SUB CASE &HC4 'DHT IF ACTables < 2 OR DCTables < 2 THEN IF GetHuffTables = 0 THEN PRINT "Error getting Huffman tables.": CLOSE #jfile: EXIT SUB END IF CASE &HCC 'DAC PRINT "Arithmetic Coding Not Supported.": CLOSE #jfile: EXIT SUB CASE &HDA 'SOS IF GetSOS = 0 THEN PRINT "Error getting SOS marker.": CLOSE #jfile: EXIT SUB IF (DCTables = 2 AND ACTables = 2 AND QTables = 2) OR image.NumComp = 1 THEN EOI = 0 EXIT DO 'Go on to secondary control loop ELSE PRINT "Unexpected file format.": CLOSE #jfile: EXIT SUB END IF CASE &HDB 'DQT IF QTables < 2 THEN IF GetQuantTables(QuantTable()) = 0 THEN PRINT "Error getting quantization tables.": CLOSE #jfile: EXIT SUB END IF CASE &HDD 'DRI Restart& = GetWord CASE &HE0 'APP0 temp1& = GetWord 'Length of segment a$ = " " GET #1, , a$ 'JFIF header a$ = " " temp0 = GetByte 'Major revision temp0 = GetByte 'Minor revision temp0 = GetByte 'Density definition temp0 = GetByte 'X-Density temp0 = GetByte 'Y-Density temp0 = GetByte 'Thumbnail Width temp1 = GetByte 'Thumbnail Height CASE &HFE 'COM a$ = SPACE$(GetWord - 2) GET #1, , a$ 'Retrieve comment a$ = " " END SELECT END IF r$ = INKEY$ IF r$ = CHR$(27) THEN CLOSE #jfile: EXIT SUB LOOP UNTIL EOF(1) xpos = 0: ypos = 0 dcY = 0: dcCb = 0: dcCr = 0 xindex = 0: yindex = 0: mcu = 0 r = 0: g = 0: b = 0 curBits = 7: curByte = GetByte DEF SEG = &HA000 SELECT CASE image.NumComp CASE 3 SELECT CASE image.SamplesY CASE 4 DO GetBlock YVector1(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableY, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableY, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableY, dcY GetBlock YVector2(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableY, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableY, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableY, dcY GetBlock YVector3(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableY, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableY, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableY, dcY GetBlock YVector4(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableY, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableY, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableY, dcY GetBlock CbVector(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableCbCr, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableCbCr, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableCbCr, dcCb GetBlock CrVector(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableCbCr, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableCbCr, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableCbCr, dcCr FOR i = 0 TO 7 FOR j = 0 TO 7 y = YVector1(i, j) IF y < 0 THEN y = 0 IF y > 255 THEN y = 255 xj = xindex + j: yi = yindex + i o& = CLNG(yi + y0) * 320 + xj + x0 IF xj < image.cols AND yi < image.rows AND yi + y0 < 200 AND xj + x0 < 320 THEN POKE o&, y NEXT j NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 7 FOR j = 8 TO 15 y = YVector2(i, j - 8) IF y < 0 THEN y = 0 IF y > 255 THEN y = 255 xj = xindex + j: yi = yindex + i o& = CLNG(yi + y0) * 320 + xj + x0 IF xj < image.cols AND yi < image.rows AND yi + y0 < 200 AND xj + x0 < 320 THEN POKE o&, y NEXT j NEXT i FOR i = 8 TO 15 FOR j = 0 TO 7 y = YVector3(i - 8, j) IF y < 0 THEN y = 0 IF y > 255 THEN y = 255 xj = xindex + j: yi = yindex + i o& = CLNG(yi + y0) * 320 + xj + x0 IF xj < image.cols AND yi < image.rows AND yi + y0 < 200 AND xj + x0 < 320 THEN POKE o&, y NEXT j NEXT i FOR i = 8 TO 15 FOR j = 8 TO 15 y = YVector4(i - 8, j - 8) IF y < 0 THEN y = 0 IF y > 255 THEN y = 255 xj = xindex + j: yi = yindex + i o& = CLNG(yi + y0) * 320 + xj + x0 IF xj < image.cols AND yi < image.rows AND yi + y0 < 200 AND xj + x0 < 320 THEN POKE o&, y NEXT j NEXT i xindex = xindex + 16 IF xindex >= image.cols THEN xindex = 0: yindex = yindex + 16: mcu = 1 IF mcu = 1 AND Restart& <> 0 THEN 'execute the restart interval curByte = GetByte: curByte = GetByte: curByte = GetByte curBits = 7 dcY = 0: dcCb = 0: dcCr = 0: mcu = 0 END IF r$ = INKEY$ IF r$ = CHR$(27) THEN EXIT DO LOOP UNTIL EOF(jfile) OR yindex >= image.rows OR yindex > 199 CASE 2 DO GetBlock YVector1(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableY, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableY, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableY, dcY GetBlock YVector2(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableY, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableY, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableY, dcY GetBlock CbVector(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableCbCr, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableCbCr, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableCbCr, dcCb GetBlock CrVector(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableCbCr, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableCbCr, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableCbCr, dcCr FOR i = 0 TO 7 FOR j = 0 TO 7 y = YVector1(i, j) IF y < 0 THEN y = 0 IF y > 255 THEN y = 255 xj = xindex + j: yi = yindex + i o& = CLNG(yi + y0) * 320 + xj + x0 IF xj < image.cols AND yi < image.rows AND yi + y0 < 200 AND xj + x0 < 320 THEN POKE o&, y NEXT j NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 7 FOR j = 8 TO 15 y = YVector2(i, j - 8) IF y < 0 THEN y = 0 IF y > 255 THEN y = 255 xj = xindex + j: yi = yindex + i o& = CLNG(yi + y0) * 320 + xj + x0 IF xj < image.cols AND yi < image.rows AND yi + y0 < 200 AND xj + x0 < 320 THEN POKE o&, y NEXT j NEXT i xindex = xindex + 16 IF xindex >= image.cols THEN xindex = 0: yindex = yindex + 8: mcu = 1 IF mcu = 1 AND Restart& <> 0 THEN 'execute the restart interval curByte = GetByte: curByte = GetByte: curByte = GetByte curBits = 7 dcY = 0: dcCb = 0: dcCr = 0: mcu = 0 END IF r$ = INKEY$ IF r$ = CHR$(27) THEN EXIT DO LOOP UNTIL EOF(jfile) OR yindex >= image.rows OR yindex > 199 CASE 1 DO GetBlock YVector1(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableY, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableY, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableY, dcY GetBlock CbVector(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableCbCr, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableCbCr, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableCbCr, dcCb GetBlock CrVector(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableCbCr, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableCbCr, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableCbCr, dcCr FOR i = 0 TO 7 FOR j = 0 TO 7 y = YVector1(i, j) IF y < 0 THEN y = 0 IF y > 255 THEN y = 255 xj = xindex + j: yi = yindex + i o& = CLNG(yi + y0) * 320 + xj + x0 IF xj < image.cols AND yi < image.rows AND yi + y0 < 200 AND xj + x0 < 320 THEN POKE o&, y NEXT j NEXT i xindex = xindex + 8 IF xindex >= image.cols THEN xindex = 0: yindex = yindex + 8: mcu = 1 IF mcu = 1 AND Restart& <> 0 THEN 'execute the restart interval curByte = GetByte: curByte = GetByte: curByte = GetByte curBits = 7 dcY = 0: dcCb = 0: dcCr = 0: mcu = 0 END IF r$ = INKEY$ IF r$ = CHR$(27) THEN EXIT DO LOOP UNTIL EOF(jfile) OR yindex >= image.rows OR yindex > 199 END SELECT CASE 1 DO GetBlock YVector1(), HuffmanDC(), image.HuffDCTableY, HuffmanAC(), image.HuffACTableY, QuantTable(), image.QuantTableY, dcY FOR i = 0 TO 7 FOR j = 0 TO 7 y = YVector1(i, j) IF y < 0 THEN y = 0 IF y > 255 THEN y = 255 xj = xindex + j: yi = yindex + i o& = CLNG(yi + y0) * 320 + xj + x0 IF xj < image.cols AND yi < image.rows AND yi + y0 < 200 AND xj + x0 < 320 THEN POKE o&, y NEXT j NEXT i xindex = xindex + 8 IF xindex >= image.cols THEN xindex = 0: yindex = yindex + 8: mcu = 1 IF mcu = 1 AND Restart& <> 0 THEN 'execute the restart interval curByte = GetByte: curByte = GetByte: curByte = GetByte curBits = 7 dcY = 0: mcu = 0 END IF r$ = INKEY$ IF r$ = CHR$(27) THEN EXIT DO LOOP UNTIL EOF(jfile) OR yindex >= image.rows OR yindex > 199 END SELECT DEF SEG CLOSE #jfile END SUB FUNCTION ReceiveBits (cat) temp0& = 0 FOR i = 1 TO cat temp0& = temp0& * 2 + NextBit NEXT i IF temp0& >= 2 ^ (cat - 1) THEN ReceiveBits = temp0& ELSE ReceiveBits = -(2 ^ cat - 1) + temp0& END IF END FUNCTION SUB ToRGB (y0, cb0, cr0, r0, g0, b0) r0 = y0 + 1.402 * (cr0 - 128) g0 = y0 - .34414 * (cb0 - 128) - .71414 * (cr0 - 128) b0 = y0 + 1.772 * (cb0 - 128) IF r0 > 255 THEN r0 = 255 IF r0 < 0 THEN r0 = 0 IF g0 > 255 THEN g0 = 255 IF g0 < 0 THEN g0 = 0 IF b0 > 255 THEN b0 = 255 IF b0 < 0 THEN b0 = 0 END SUB