'=========================================================================== ' Subject: SIMPLE ENCRYPT/DECRYPT ROUTINE Date: 06-21-99 (09:47) ' Author: Cl udio A. Pi‡arra Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: korby@mail.pt Packet: ALGOR.ABC '=========================================================================== '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Prog. Name: SEDR - Simple Encryption/Decryption Routine 'Freeware (C) Cl udio A. Pi‡arra - 1999 'Date: 99.06.14 Time: 20:38:55 'Destiny: ABC Packets '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'This is a VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRY simple encryption/decryption routine I 'made to prove it's EASY to create an encryption routine. 'The code is self explanatory, I guess. 'I've included NO error checking routine. I'm lazy, so sue me!... 'U know this routine can b improved and speeded up, but if it works, 'why worry? 'Anyway, if u change this in any way, mail it to me(E-mail adress bellow). ' 'BTW, if u include this in any of your programs, please, send me the program 'and put my name in the Credits section. ' 'If you r reading this send the message bellow as SUBJECT to the mail bellow: 'Message: BASIC IS NOT FOR BASIC PEOPLE! 'E-Mail adress: a_rita@yahoo.com 'Oh, don't expect any answer from this one... 'For comments, sugestions, critics, simply say Hi, etc. these r my mails 'born_in_portugal@yahoo.com 'korby@mail.pt ' 'I guess it's all. 'Bye. ' Signed: ' Cl udio ' 'P. S. - Sorry 4 my bad english... '-----------------------------Prog. beginning-------------------------------- '$DYNAMIC DEFINT A-Z CLEAR CLS LINE INPUT "Text to Encode:", Text$ LINE INPUT "PASSWORD:", Pass$ CLS PRINT PRINT "Original Text: "; Text$ PRINT "PASSWORD:"; Pass$ FOR passencode = 1 TO LEN(Pass$) tmp$ = MID$(Pass$, passencode, 1) Pass# = Pass# + ASC(tmp$) NEXT Pass# = Pass# / LEN(Pass$) EncodedText$ = "" Size = LEN(Text$) FOR Crypt = 1 TO Size Txt$ = MID$(Text$, Crypt, 1) IF Crypt = 1 THEN EncodedText$ = STR$(ASC(Txt$) + Pass#) + CHR$(0) ELSE EncodedText$ = EncodedText$ + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(ASC(Txt$) + Pass#))) + CHR$(0) END IF NEXT Crypt EncodedText$ = MID$(EncodedText$, 2, LEN(EncodedText$) - 1) PRINT PRINT "Encoded Text:" PRINT EncodedText$ Size2 = LEN(EncodedText$) Place = 1 DO UNTIL Place >= Size2 Nul = INSTR(Place, EncodedText$, CHR$(0)) Size = Nul - Place Txt = VAL(MID$(EncodedText$, Place, Size)) - Pass# unEncodedText$ = unEncodedText$ + CHR$(Txt) Place = Nul + 1 LOOP PRINT PRINT "unEncoded Text: "; unEncodedText$ END 'Pretty simple, isn't it? '---------------------------------Prog. end----------------------------------