'=========================================================================== ' Subject: CONVERT CELSIUS <-> FAHRENHEIT Date: 06-13-99 (07:52) ' Author: Leandro Pardini Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: lpardini@navigo.com.ar Packet: ALGOR.ABC '=========================================================================== 'Hi there, ' 'You know, I get crazy when I'm reading a book and I get Fahrenheit 'temperatures instead of Celsius ones. I read "it was cold, maybe 50 'degrees..." while 50 degrees Celsius is a hell of a hot temperature. 'So I did two veeeery little FUNCIONs. C2F will read a Celsius 'temperature and will return a Fahrenheit one, and F2C will do the 'opposite. I hope anyone will find this a little bit useful, at least 'while reading Jules Verne books. ' 'BTW, I'm the same Leandro Pardini from last year's ABC Packets, 'but with a new address (I've got five ISPs in five months). If 'you'd wrote me to lpardini@cefex.com and didn't get any answer, 'try again at lpardini@navigo.com.ar; Cefex is down for good. ' 'Read you all! DECLARE FUNCTION C2F! (C!) DECLARE FUNCTION F2C! (F!) FUNCTION C2F! (C!) A! = C! / 100 C2F! = (A! * 180) + 32 END FUNCTION FUNCTION F2C (F!) A! = (F! - 32) / 180 F2C! = A! * 100 END FUNCTION