'=========================================================================== ' Subject: SIMPLE CGI FORM PARSER Date: 04-29-99 (12:20) ' Author: The ABC Programmer Code: BEC ' Origin: voxel@edmc.net Packet: BASEC.ABC '=========================================================================== '' Simple CGI form parser for BASEC v0.20 by William Yu '' You can use SHELL "mailto" if you want to mail someone in Unix/Linux '' Generate a file and SHELL "mailto name@isp.com < file" '' Isn't this much easier on the eyes than Perl or C? '' I've only tested this code on a Unix server, don't know about Windows NT '' Author: William Yu DIM A$ AS STRING ?"Content-type: text/html" ?:?"" ?"REMOTE ADDR: "; ENVIRON$("REMOTE_ADDR")+"
" ?"Request method is: "; ENVIRON$("REQUEST_METHOD")+"
" ?"Content type is: "; ENVIRON$("CONTENT_TYPE")+"
" ?"Content length: "; VAL(ENVIRON$("CONTENT_LENGTH") ?"
Original content: "; A$ = GET$(VAL(ENVIRON$("CONTENT_LENGTH"))) ?A$+"
" '' Parse Content J = 1 I = INSTR(A$, "&") WHILE I <> 0 ?MID$(A$,J,I-J)+"
" J = I+1 I = INSTR(J, A$, "&") WEND ?MID$(A$,J,I-J)+"

" ?"
All this was done in BASEC!" ?"" END