'=========================================================================== ' Subject: BSAVE A LONG INTEGER GET-ARRAY Date: 01-07-99 (12:34) ' Author: Jacob Wieles Code: QB, PDS, PB ' Origin: jacwls@worldonline.nl Packet: GRAPHICS.ABC '=========================================================================== 'program : BSAVELNG.BAS (03-01-99) ' : BSAVE a long-integer GET-array 'which basic : PowerBASIC and - with remout $huge - Q(uick)BASIC 'auteur : Jacob Wieles $huge ' a must for PowerBASIC 3.5 because getarrl=>16380 deflng a-z dq$=chr$(34) screen 12 locate 2,2 color 7 print"Integer array. (long)" xLeft=0 yTop=0 xRight=415 yBottom=314 x=xRight-xLeft+1 y=yBottom-yTop+1 dm=1+x/8*y print print" With xLeft = 0 and yTop = 0 :" print print" x = xRight-xLeft+1 =";x print" y = yBottom-yTop+1 =";y print print" dm = 1+x/8*y =";dm line(xLeft,yTop)-(xRight,yBottom),10,b row=3+y\16 locate row,1 print" Hit a key for : 1. dim getarrl(dm-1)." print" 2. get (xLeft,yTop)-(xRight,yBottom),getarrl" print" 3. def seg=varseg(getarrl(0))" print" bsave ";dq$"getarrl.fig";dq$; print ",varptr(getarrl(0)),(dm)*4" print" def seg" hitakey dim getarrl(dm-1) get (xLeft,yTop)-(xRight,yBottom),getarrl def seg=varseg(getarrl(0)) bsave "getarrl.fig",varptr(getarrl(0)),(dm)*4 def seg for i=0 to 8 locate row+i,1 print space$(79); next i locate row,1 print"Hit a key for : 1. erase getarrl" print" 2. dim ngetarrl(dm-1)" print" 3. def seg=varseg(ngetarrl(0))" print" bload ";dq$;"getarrl.fig";dq$ print" def seg" print" 4. cls" print" 5. put (112,83),ngetarrl" hitakey erase getarrl dim ngetarrl(dm-1) def seg=varseg(ngetarrl(0)) bload "getarrl.fig" def seg cls put (112,83),ngetarrl locate 1,1 print"Hit a key for end." hitakey cls screen 0 print"Hit a key for the source." end sub hitakey while inkey$<>"" wend hit$=input$(1) end sub