'=========================================================================== ' Subject: SIMPLE MP3 PLAYER FOR BASEC Date: 12-23-98 (18:30) ' Author: The ABC Programmer Code: BEC ' Origin: voxel@edmc.net Packet: BASEC.ABC '=========================================================================== '' Simple MP3 Player for BASEC by William Yu CLS False = 0: True = NOT False repeat = False filename$ = "NO\LONG\FILE\NAMES\PLEASE.mp3" mp3.play(filename$, repeat) x = 0: y = 0: n = 1 ?"Playing... ";filename$:? ?"Sample rate: ";mp3.samprate ?" Bit rate: ";mp3.bitrate ?" Stereo: "; if mp3.stereo = false then ?"No" else ?"Yes" end if ?:?"[ESC = Stop, R = Rewind]":?:?">> "; 'screen 12 while (mp3.run >= 0) ' Do what you want here, but mp3.run or mp3.poll must be called often ' ' showjpg("abc.jpg",x,y,n) ' x=(x+1) mod 640 ' y=(y+1) mod 480 A$=inkey$ if ucase$(A$)="R" then MP3.Replay elseif ucase$(A$)=chr$(27) then goto exitloop end if if A$<>"" then ?A$; wend exitloop: mp3.free END