'=========================================================================== ' Subject: SCROLLING TEXT USING GET/PUT Date: 07-18-98 (18:53) ' Author: Arthur Podobas Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: artur.podobas@swipnet.se Packet: GRAPHICS.ABC '=========================================================================== 'This is program that illustates very smooth Scrolling using the Get/Put functions. 'Use it freely. CLS SCREEN 13 'init All Variables checkiftimetochangeletter = 1 DIM grab(1 TO 100) nextletter = 1 READ text$ 'Init completed DO nextletter$ = MID$(text$, nextletter, 1) 'get a new letter from text IF checkiftimetochangeletter = 1 THEN LOCATE 2, 40: PRINT nextletter$ 'Only print the new letter once 'Cool Effect I putted in! check it 'FOR i = 5 TO 15 'IF POINT(300, i) <> 0 THEN PSET (300, i), INT(RND * 10) + 20 'IF POINT(200, i) <> 0 THEN PSET (200, i), INT(RND * 7) + 40 'IF POINT(100, i) <> 0 THEN PSET (100, i), INT(RND * 7) + 50 'IF POINT(20, i) <> 0 THEN PSET (20, i), 15 'NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO 319 'move every row a step to left GET (i, 5)-(i, 15), grab PUT (i - 1, 5), grab, PSET NEXT i checkiftimetochangeletter = checkiftimetochangeletter + 1 IF checkiftimetochangeletter = 9 THEN 'If its time to change then change increase the nextletter variable to checkiftimetochangeletter = 1 'Later get the new letter nextletter = nextletter + 1 END IF IF nextletter > LEN(text$) THEN nextletter = 1 'If we are at the end of the text then jump to Beginning LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" DATA "Hello!!!! This is a nice Scroller made by Artur Podobas. It's really easy made and can be made by anyone who understands it. Use it Freely "