'=========================================================================== ' Subject: QBASIC MODEX EXAMPLE Date: 05-23-97 (12:20) ' Author: Kurt Kuzba Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: Douglas Lusher Packet: GRAPHICS.ABC '=========================================================================== '> Well, I want to learn ModeX... So far, the only /well '> documented/ versions I can find are for QBASIC4.5 or PDS, '> and can not be converted to QBASIC1.1, so could someone '> please teach me/mail me about ModeX for v1.1? Thanks. '>.... ' The ModeX recently posted by Dave Shea, originally by Doug 'Lusher, will work just fine in QBasic. The text output routine 'will not, however, so you will need to develop your own. 'Try this one... 'Example of how to achieve ModeX in QuickBasic, from Douglas Lusher 'Modified to show QBasic example by Kurt Kuzba, (5/23/1997) DECLARE SUB XCLS (Page%) DECLARE SUB ShowPage (Page%) DECLARE SUB Set320x240mode () DECLARE SUB PutPixel (X%, Y%, Culler%, Page%) DIM BitMask%(7): FOR Bit% = 0 TO 7: BitMask%(Bit%) = 2 ^ Bit%: NEXT SCREEN 0: WIDTH 80, 25: COLOR 10, 0: LOCATE 5, 10 PRINT "Hit any key to enter ModeX. 0-1-2 for pages. ESC exits." WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND: Set320x240mode: SLEEP 1 HMax% = 320: VMax% = 240: Pg% = 0 FOR Scrpage% = 0 TO 2 C% = 10: IF Scrpage% > 0 THEN C% = 12: IF Scrpage% > 1 THEN C% = 13 XCLS Scrpage%: ShowPage Scrpage% FOR Y% = Scrpage% * 9 TO VMax% - 1 - Scrpage% * 9 PutPixel Scrpage% * 9, Y%, C%, Scrpage% PutPixel HMax% - 1 - Scrpage% * 9, Y%, C%, Scrpage% NEXT FOR X% = Scrpage% * 9 TO HMax% - 1 - Scrpage% * 9 CALL PutPixel(X%, Scrpage% * 9, C%, Scrpage%) CALL PutPixel(X%, VMax% - 1 - Scrpage% * 9, C%, Scrpage%) NEXT NEXT DO DO: k$ = INKEY$: LOOP WHILE k$ = "" SELECT CASE k$ CASE "0": ShowPage 0 CASE "1": ShowPage 1 CASE "2": ShowPage 2 CASE CHR$(27): EXIT DO CASE ELSE: SOUND 999, .5 END SELECT LOOP: SCREEN 13: SCREEN 0: WIDTH 80, 25: END SUB GetPixel (X%, Y%, Culler%, Page%) SELECT CASE Page% CASE 0: VidSegment% = &HA000 CASE 1: VidSegment% = &HA4F0 CASE 2: VidSegment% = &HA9E0 CASE ELSE: ERROR 5 END SELECT OUT &H3CE, 4: OUT &H3CF, X% AND 3 DEF SEG = VidSegment% Culler% = PEEK((Y% * 80) + (X% \ 4)) END SUB SUB PutPixel (X%, Y%, Culler%, Page%) SHARED BitMask%() SELECT CASE Page% CASE 0: VidSegment% = &HA000 CASE 1: VidSegment% = &HA4F0 CASE 2: VidSegment% = &HA9E0 CASE ELSE: ERROR 5 END SELECT OUT &H3C4, 2: OUT &H3C5, BitMask%(X% AND 3) DEF SEG = VidSegment% POKE (Y% * 80) + (X% \ 4), Culler% END SUB SUB Set320x240mode SCREEN 13 'begin with standard mode 13h OUT &H3C4, &H4: OUT &H3C5, &H6 'disable "chain4" mode OUT &H3C4, &H2: OUT &H3C5, &HF 'enable writes to all four planes CLS 'clear video memory OUT &H3C4, 0: OUT &H3C5, &H1 'synchronous reset while 'switching clocks OUT &H3C2, &HE3 'select 25 Mhz dot clock and '60 hz scanning rate OUT &H3C4, 0: OUT &H3C5, &H3 'restart the sequencer OUT &H3D4, &H11: OUT &H3D5, INP(&H3D5) AND &H7F 'to reprogram the CRT controller, remove write protect from 'the registers OUT &H3D4, &H6: OUT &H3D5, &HD 'total vertical pixels OUT &H3D4, &H7: OUT &H3D5, &H3E 'overflow OUT &H3D4, &H9: OUT &H3D5, &H41 'turn off double double-scan OUT &H3D4, &H10: OUT &H3D5, &HEA 'vertical sync start OUT &H3D4, &H11: OUT &H3D5, &HAC 'vertical sync end, 'reprotect_registers OUT &H3D4, &H12: OUT &H3D5, &HDF 'vertical pixels displayed OUT &H3D4, &H14: OUT &H3D5, 0 'turn off dword mode OUT &H3D4, &H15: OUT &H3D5, &HE7 'vertical blank start OUT &H3D4, &H16: OUT &H3D5, &H6 'vertical blank end OUT &H3D4, &H17: OUT &H3D5, &HE3 'turn on byte mode END SUB SUB ShowPage (Page%) SELECT CASE Page% CASE 0: OUT &H3D4, &HC: OUT &H3D5, 0 CASE 1: OUT &H3D4, &HC: OUT &H3D5, &H4F CASE 2: OUT &H3D4, &HC: OUT &H3D5, &H9E CASE ELSE: ERROR 5 'illegal function call END SELECT END SUB SUB XCLS (Page%) SELECT CASE Page% CASE 0: VidSegment% = &HA000 CASE 1: VidSegment% = &HA4F0 CASE 2: VidSegment% = &HA9E0 CASE ELSE: ERROR 5 END SELECT OUT &H3C4, &H2: OUT &H3C5, &HF DEF SEG = VidSegment% FOR Address% = 0 TO 19199: POKE Address%, 0: NEXT END SUB