'=========================================================================== ' Subject: MELTING AND FADING OUT TEXT Date: 06-07-97 (07:33) ' Author: Chris McKenzie Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: chrismckenze@earthlink.net Packet: GRAPHICS.ABC '=========================================================================== DECLARE SUB beta () 'I creted this routine entirely myself but I found out it looks like the flame 'routine, I'd like to say that I did not refer to the flame source code to 'create this porgram. ' The alpha version works and the beta currently does not, but the beta will be more flexible ' sure you can spend an hour fixing it up and then send it to me so you can say,"Lookie what I done" ' when truly you're just giving me less work ' ' Over and out... ' ' Digital Reality---Chris McKenzie ' chrismckenze@Earthlink.net (yes, it changed AGAIN) CLS COLOR 15, 1 PRINT " Versions " PRINT "ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ" COLOR 15, 0 PRINT "A B" COLOR 7 LOCATE 3, 2 PRINT "lpha or" LOCATE 3, 11 PRINT "eta" DO key$ = INKEY$ IF UCASE$(key$) = "B" THEN beta LOOP WHILE UCASE$(key$) <> "A" COLOR 15, 1 CLS COLOR , 4 PRINT " T y p e i n s o m e t h i n g t o ";CHR$(34); "m e l t "; CHR$(34); " " COLOR , 1 LINE INPUT text$ number = LEN(text$) SCREEN 13 COLOR 31 RANDOMIZE TIMER LOCATE 2, 2 PRINT text$ DIM graph(100, 100) FOR x% = 5 TO 100 FOR y% = 5 TO 100 graph(x%, y%) = POINT(x%, y%) NEXT y% NEXT x% FOR I = 1 TO 3 STEP .025 'change for speed and exactation(is dat a word?) LINE (8, 8)-(number * (I * 8) + 13, 60), 0, BF FOR x% = 50 TO 8 STEP -1 FOR y% = 20 TO 8 STEP -1 ptclr = graph(x%, y%) IF ptclr <> 0 THEN LINE (I * x%, I * y%)-(I * x% + I, I * y% + I), (I * 6) + 42 - ptclr, BF NEXT y% NEXT x% NEXT I FOR x1% = 1 TO 50 FOR x% = 50 TO 8 STEP -1 IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN SYSTEM FOR y% = 50 TO 8 STEP -1 IF graph(x%, y%) > 1 THEN number = graph(x%, y%) number = number - RND * 1.5 'space between pixels, gets bizarre after 2 graph(x%, y% + 1) = number graph(x%, y% - 1) = number pointcolor = graph(x%, y%) col = RND * 1 'color differenciation, looks fake after 6 IF (pointcolor + col) > 16 AND pointcolor + col < 31 THEN LINE (3 * x%,3 * y%)-(3 * x% + 3, 3 * y% + 2), pointcolor + col, BF END IF NEXT y% NEXT x% FOR atimer = 1 TO 1500 'all you Pentium II and 286 owners change this NEXT atimer NEXT SUB beta 'Newer version, I'm still working on it. COLOR 15, 1 CLS COLOR , 4 PRINT " T y p e i n s o m e t h i n g t o ";CHR$(34); "m e l t "; CHR$(34); " " COLOR , 1 LINE INPUT text$ anumber = LEN(text$) SCREEN 13 COLOR 31 RANDOMIZE TIMER LOCATE 2, 2 PRINT text$ DIM graph(anumber * 8 + 5, 15) nmber = anumber * 8 + 5 'this line was so repetitive it was only logical FOR x% = 5 TO nmber FOR y% = 5 TO 15 graph(x%, y%) = POINT(x%, y%) NEXT y% NEXT x% 'Real cool magnifying effect. FOR I = 1 TO 3 STEP .025 'change for speed and exactation(is dat a word?) LINE (8, 8)-(anumber * (I * 8) + 13, 60), 0, BF FOR x% = nmber TO 8 STEP -1 FOR y% = 15 TO 5 STEP -1 ptclr = graph(x%, y%) IF ptclr <> 0 THEN LINE (I * x%, I * y%)-(I * x% + I, I * y% + I), (I *6) + 42 - ptclr, BF NEXT y% NEXT x% NEXT I 'Melter FOR x1% = 1 TO 50 FOR x% = nmber TO 8 STEP -1 IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN SYSTEM FOR y% = 15 TO 5 STEP -1 IF graph(x%, y%) > 1 THEN number = graph(x%, y%) number = number - RND * 1.5 'space between pixels, gets bizarre after 2 graph(x%, y% + 1) = number graph(x%, y% - 1) = number pointcolor = graph(x%, y%) col = RND * 1 'color differenciation, looks fake after 6 IF (pointcolor + col) > 16 AND pointcolor + col < 31 THEN LINE (3 * x%,3 * y%)-(3 * x% + 3, 3 * y% + 2), pointcolor + col, BF END IF NEXT y% NEXT x% FOR atimer = 1 TO 1500 'change this all you Pentium II and 286 owners NEXT atimer NEXT END SUB