'=========================================================================== ' Subject: CIRCLE FIREWORKS Date: 01-16-97 (12:14) ' Author: Nick Kochakian Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: NickK@worldnet.att.net Packet: GRAPHICS.ABC '=========================================================================== 'Circle "Fire Works" ' '1997 By: -Nick Kochakian- ' 'If you'd like to use this circle program in any of your programs... 'Fell free to but... PLEASE give me credit where it is deserved! 'Thanks! ' 'This program MIGHT be a good screen saver! SCREEN 13 'Screen mode 13 (VGA) RANDOMIZE TIMER XM = 300 'X maximum YM = 170 'Y maximum SM = 100 'The maximum size of a circle DLY = 900 'Delay DO GOSUB RANDIT: 'Randomize circle X,Y GOSUB CIRCIT: 'Draws the circle GOSUB CIRERA: 'Erases the circle LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" 'Loop until a key is pressed END RANDIT: X = INT(RND * XM) + 1 Y = INT(RND * YM) + 1 S = INT(RND * SM) + 1 'S is how big the circle gets IF S > SM THEN S = SM RETURN CIRCIT: SS = 1 CM = 30 'The color maximum CS = 16 'What color the circle starts at CA = CS 'Set the color up DO FOR I = 1 TO DLY 'Delay NEXT I COL = CA CA = CA + 1 IF CA > CM THEN CA = CS CIRCLE (X, Y), SS, COL SS = SS + 1 IF S > SM THEN SS = S LOOP UNTIL SS >= S RETURN CIRERA: CNT = 0 DO FOR I = 1 TO DLY 'Delay NEXT I CIRCLE (X, Y), CNT, 0 CNT = CNT + 1 LOOP UNTIL CNT = S RETURN