'=========================================================================== ' Subject: PIXEL SCROLLER Date: 06-04-96 (00:00) ' Author: Martin Lindhe Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: m-35728@mailbox.swipnet.se Packet: GRAPHICS.ABC '=========================================================================== DECLARE SUB PixelScroll (Text$, Col%, NewY%) ' PXSCROLL.BAS, pixelscroller by Martin Lindhe, 96-06-04 ' e-mail: m-35728@mailbox.swipnet.se ' This is a pixelscroller supporting mode 13h, if used on other screens, ' it will need some modifications. Please use it for something lame! ' The scroller will scroll *LONG* string, try it out! ' Syntax: PixelScroll TextToWrite$, Color, YPosition SCREEN 13 PixelScroll "Pixelscroller example scroll, this is written by Martin Lindhe, do i need to write something more, i think this will be enough. But remember: QuickBASIC rules!", 27, 90 DEFINT A-Z SUB PixelScroll (Text$, Col, NewY) DIM Move(1277) DIM Temp(20) Temp = 255 - Col ' This lines will take the xor'ed color choosen PALETTE Temp, 0 ' and light it down. I am not good at comment my COLOR Temp: PRINT Text$ ' work, so i hope you'll understand the principe. Tmp2 = 1 FOR x = 0 TO LEN(Text$) * 8 IF x > 319 * Tmp2 THEN Tmp = Tmp + 7: Tmp2 = Tmp2 + 1 GET (x, 0 + Tmp)-(x, 7 + Tmp), Temp PUT (319, NewY), Temp, PRESET GET (2, NewY)-(320, NewY + 7), Move PUT (1, NewY), Move, PSET NEXT x FOR x = 1 TO 320 GET (2, NewY)-(320, NewY + 7), Move PUT (1, NewY), Move, PSET NEXT SCREEN 0: SCREEN 13 ' Resets the PALETTE changes, not needed. END SUB