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    Memory management routines
    Code Of Subject/Description Contributor Size
    QB, PDS Using xms memory Sequential Software Inc. 10kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Pokebuffer subroutine David L. Poskie 1kb
    PDS, VBDOS Super ems Quinn Tyler Jackson 12kb
    QB, PDS Check for ems James Vahn 2kb
    QB, PDS Expanded memory routines Unknown Author(s) 9kb
    ASM, QB, PDS Detecting xms Logan Ashby 10kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Peeks and pokes Don Watkins 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS More peek and poke routines Brian Roche 11kb
    TEXT Pc magazine's pokes & peeks David I. Schneider 68kb
    QB, PDS Memory view Tyler Barnes 13kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Using ems with memcopy routine Jonathan Leger 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Difference between sadd/varptr Bob Perkins 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS View contents of ram Kurt Kuzba 4kb
    QB, PDS Swap shell Cornel Huth 27kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Ram in qbasic 1: meminfo Rick Elbers 18kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Ram in qbasic 2: lowmem Rick Elbers 32kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Ram in qbasic 3: xms Rick Elbers 71kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flat memory addressing mode Erika Schulze 22kb
    QB, PDS Ems tester Erik Bruggema 1kb
    QB, PDS Ems functions Chris Butler 4kb
    QB, PDS Memory copy routine Jesse Dorland 12kb
    QB, PDS Ems routines Sami Kyostila 14kb
    QB, PDS Updated (12/97) ems routines Sami Kyostila 14kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fun with array descriptors Matt Bross 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Patched memcopy routine Jonathan L. Leger 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Asm memory transfer routines Jonathan L. Leger 13kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Print text to video memory Ka-Lok Fung 1kb
    QB, PDS Retrieve current segment Sten Daniel Soersdal 2kb
    QB, PDS Memory operations Nigel Traves 15kb
    QB, PDS Complete ems routines for qb Aaron Severn 17kb
    QB, VBDOS Virtual memory system Tomer Filiba 74kb

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