• Code Of text colored Green denote snippet encoded with Postit!
    General graphic routines
    Code Of Subject/Description Contributor Size
    QB, QBasic Vga animation sprites Steve Gartrell 4kb
    QB, QBasic Ega animation of man walking Steve Demo 10kb
    QB, QBasic Screen 13 graphics utilities Fred Sexton Jr. 5kb
    QB, QBasic Wormhole Lucifer Productions 22kb
    QB, QBasic 3-d wireframe program Rich Geldreich 13kb
    QB, QBasic Make & save bmp Carlos E. Diaz, Jr. 5kb
    QB, QBasic Scale doom face Unknown Author(s) 4kb
    QB, QBasic Video memory segment Matt Hart 0kb
    QB, QBasic Pcx viewer Unknown Author(s) 4kb
    QB, QBasic Graphical sphere Jeff Benson 1kb
    QB, PDS Shaded 3-d polygon Rich Geldreich 21kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Drawing ellipses Rich Geldreich 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Gif viewer Rich Geldreich 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Out command Eli Bennett 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Star/credit scroller The ABC Programmer 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Side write fonts Unknown Author(s) 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS English script fonts Unknown Author(s) 7kb
    QB, PDS Pset on any screen type Matt Hart 1kb
    QB, PDS Asm fader Rich Geldreich 4kb
    TASM, QB, PDS Asm fader fix Rich Geldreich 5kb
    MASM Masm v6.0 fader Raymond Keith 2kb
    QB, PDS Generic font designer Calvin French 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Plasma generator Ian Remmler 4kb
    QB, PDS Assembly plasma generator Rich Geldreich 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Palette stuff Steve Demo 2kb
    QB, PDS Make gif file Rich Geldreich 14kb
    QB, PDS Detect video card Peter Norton 1kb
    PDS, VBDOS Screen compression Rich Geldreich 25kb
    QB, PDS Definitive screen saver Matt Hart 15kb
    ASM, QB, PDS Fast sprite routine Calvin French/Victor Yiu 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Led displays Scott Pessoni 9kb
    QB, PDS Image maker Earl Montgomery 10kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d rotating cube Joshua Dickerson 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vga screen capture tsr Earl Montgomery 6kb
    QB, PDS Vga clip editor Earl Montgomery 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Windows bitmap viewer Zabudsky Aaron Scott 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Earthquake effect demo The ABC Programmer 2kb
    QB, PDS Save/restore graphics screens Matt Hart 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d craft with color Brett Levin 15kb
    QB, PDS Background color printing Unknown Author(s) 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Store color palettes The ABC Programmer 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast palette Coridon Henshaw 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Qstar Michael Teator 18kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rpg character Robert Fisher 14kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vga pcx viewer Steven Sensarn 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fading program Scott Mitchell 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Snow falling Stephan van Loendersloot 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Resizeable fonts Hauke Daempfling 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Matrix screen paint demo David A. Wicker 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Mode-x scroll Jason Plackey 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Horizontal screen scroll Earl Montgomery 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bouncing boxes Michael Teator 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fli/flc animation player Carl Gorringe 11kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d wireframe models Jon Kreuzer 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Various star-like effects Andrew Jones 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d space shuttle Unknown Author(s) 4kb
    QB, PDS Gif decompressor Rich Geldreich 17kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Pan demo Douglas Lusher 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Yet another star field Churl Beck 5kb
    QB, PDS Vga paint Timothy Culberson 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vertical retrace animation Douglas H. Lusher 3kb
    QB, PDS, VBDOS Svga in basic Peter Cooper 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 320x400 screen mode Earl L. Montgomery 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Pac-man screen saver Chad Beck 5kb
    QB, PDS Vesa svga screen routines Tyler Barnes 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Qbasic fading routine Manny Najera 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d-vr maze wars David Carlton 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Starfield with background music Tyler Barnes 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Scale sprite Eric Carr 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d matrix rotations Peder Brynolf 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 2d rotating texture maps Peder Brynolf 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Color bars that color cycle Aaron Scott Zabudsky 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Computerized spirograph Aaron Scott Zabudsky 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Reversing screen image Earl L. Montgomery 0kb
    QB, PDS Back switching Earl L. Montgomery 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Tga viewer (320x200) Jeff Lawson 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Animation of running man Dave Shea 2kb
    QB, PDS Colorful wormhole Unknown Author(s) 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Graphics drawing program Einar Tveit 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bouncing worm Andrew Jones 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Box enlarges as ball bounces Andrew Jones 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Snowy rain Andrew Jones 0kb
    QB, PDS Mouse paint program Unknown Author(s) 31kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Tile graphics James Tonn 13kb
    QB, PDS Small font (8x8 sans serif) Michael J. Kelly 3kb
    QB, PDS Vesa mandelbrot Earl L. Montgomery 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sprite(bitmap) editor Joshua Dickerson 2kb
    QB, PDS Image maker take ii Chad Beck 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Labyrinth-orienteering Jarkko Ryyppo 31kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flame effect Martin Lindhe 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Set bitplanes Jon Merkel 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Qb mandelbrot set Erika Schulze 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bouncing/rotating triangle Cam Spowart 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Copper bar fades The ABC Programmer 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotating sphere The ABC Programmer 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Falling snow simulation Fred Fortin 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PB Iterated function systems Robert Seidel 21kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vector ball ellipse The ABC Programmer 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Mode-x pcx display Steven Sensarn 6kb
    QB, PDS 320x400 turtle draw Earl Montgomery 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Varying windmills Ryan White 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Pixel scroller Martin Lindhe 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fake plasma Martin Lindhe 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Scaling routine Martin Lindhe 1kb
    QB, PDS Graphics print replacement Douglas H. Lusher 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d starfield simulation John Wantland 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Real-time colour-mix-copper The ABC Programmer 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Compressed big bsave/bload Jonathan Leger 53kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fake plasma effect update Martin Lindhe 1kb
    QB, PDS Qb drawing program Tate P. Sonnier 24kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Ultimate font v1.1 Luke Molnar 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sprite editor v2.0 Steven Sensarn 8kb
    QB, PDS 320x400x256 vga modex (compile) Douglas H. Lusher 12kb
    QB, PDS 320x400x256 modex (environment) Douglas H. Lusher 10kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Star trek communicator pin Andy J. Golden 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Scrolling cell map Steven Sensarn 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Screen art/saver Scott Tuttle 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast memcopy routine Jonathan Leger 10kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Growing fire Tony Lieuallen 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Chaos Andy J. Golden 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Fractal fern Andy J. Golden 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Put w/o erasing background Chad Beck 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Happy trailz Kurt Kuzba 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotating a big palette smoothly Kurt Kuzba 3kb
    QB, PDS 320x240 modex with 3 pages Douglas Lusher 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Prog-draw 2.2 Ben Lloyd 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Burning fire simulator Tony Cave 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bouncing great balls of fire Kurt Kuzba 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Buffered pcx viewer Kurt Kuzba 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Donut balls Darryl Stokes 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Palette manipulation Kurt Kuzba 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Ray caster 3d engine Peter Cooper 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Led screen saver Jonathan Leger 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Icon maker v1.0 Claude Gagn‚ 11kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Animation factory v1.0 Gerald Filimonov 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Ray caster with keyboard isr Steven Sensarn 19kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Burning text Andrew L. Ayers 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Steel print Andrew L. Ayers 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Psycho print Andrew L. Ayers 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast vga scroll Andrew L. Ayers 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Big text scroll Andrew L. Ayers 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vga palette read/write routines Andrew L. Ayers 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vga sinusoidal plasma Andrew L. Ayers 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Cloud plasma effect Andrew L. Ayers 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Buffer to screen copy routine Andrew L. Ayers 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Using get & put Kurt Kuzba 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Graphics loader Jonathan Leger 25kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 2d polygon engine Brent P. Newhall 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Variable plasma effect Kurt Eckhardt 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Tga viewer Erika Schulze 10kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Mathematical formula displayed James McMurrin 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Gorau shaded polygons Luke Molnar 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast 320x200x256 pcx viewer Jonathan Leger 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Graphics loader update Jonathan Leger 26kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vortex Ryan White 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Color morph Ryan White 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flying bees #2 Ryan White 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flying bees #8 Ryan White 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flying bees #9 Ryan White 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Geometry sickener Ryan White 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Geometry sicker Ryan White 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d graphs Nathan Wittich 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Demo of real-time graphing James N. Broadbent 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Spiraling mind knocker Ryan White 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Multi morph Ryan White 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Outlined fonts Phillip Jay Cohen 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Miscellaneous graphic programs Ryan White 39kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Plasma kalida thingy-majig Ryan White 2kb
    QB, PDS Panning w/256 colors Douglas H. Lusher 11kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Falling leaves simulation Dave Shea 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Tga (un/compress) viewer Erika Schulze/Gunther Ilzig 26kb
    QB, PDS Screen 13 page flipping Douglas H. Lusher 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast clip putting Joshua Dickerson 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Starfield simulation Ben Kaashoek 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Demystify screen saver Kurt Kuzba 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Show all combinations of colors Kurt Kuzba 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotating 3d cylinder & sphere Douglas H. Lusher 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Complete blast! (mode 13h) subs Andrew L. Ayers 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Blast! mode 13h get routine Andrew L. Ayers 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Blast! mode 13h put routine Andrew L. Ayers 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Blast! mode 13h pset routine Andrew L. Ayers 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Blast! mode 13h sprite routine Andrew L. Ayers 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Get/put manipulation routines Andrew L. Ayers 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast sprite demo Andrew L. Ayers 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Explosions effect Andrew L. Ayers 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast & smooth scrolling effect Andrew L. Ayers 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Quadratic plasma Andrew L. Ayers 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Exploding pieces effect Andrew L. Ayers 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Other nice special effects Andrew L. Ayers 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Melting snowman Robert Seidel 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bouncing wooden ball Mathew Robertson 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Geometry of a circle Steven A. Morisi 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d flames Mattias Andersson 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Tile-based engine Dave Shea 13kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Territorial pissings Dave Shea 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Screen clearing routine Tika Carr 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Display windows or os/2 icons The ABC Programmer 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Snow falling and piling up Thomas A. Hirsch 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vga christmas demo David A. Wicker 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Scalable fonts Kurt Kuzba 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Save screen image to pcx The ABC Programmer 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Slow type effect Andrew Diamond 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Hilight print Andrew Diamond 1kb
    QB, PDS A screen 12 sprite editor Charlie Quante 32kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Landscape generator Marhsall Drew-Brook 44kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Parallax scrolling Matt Zuchowski 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Winterize your screen Kurt Kuzba 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Jupiter background Mark Warner 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Clock-like digits Mark Warner 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Ti-emulator Mike Taylor 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Change font image size Thomas Matysik 2kb
    QB, PDS Gui buttons w/mouse support Dave Shea 6kb
    QB, PDS Bezier curve routine w/mouse Jim Emptage 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast box shade maker Nick Kochakian 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Smooth circle routine Nick Kochakian 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Circle fireworks Nick Kochakian 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Starz! Nick Kochakian 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Standard fire effect Angelo Ken Pesce 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Enhanced fire effect v3.2 Angelo Ken Pesce 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Enhanced fire effect v3.0 Angelo Ken Pesce 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sin/cos plasma Uncle Shackles 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Box of color morph Ryan White 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Mystery spew #2: explosions Nick Kochakian 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Wormhole & sprite animation Matt Bross 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sprite masking Dave Shea 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Pixel loader/saver Nick Kochakian 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Display arrays to memory Nathan Barkei 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Transparent sprite demo Denis Boyles 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Moving transparent sprite demo Denis Boyles 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Font put demo Byron Smith 3kb
    QB, PDS Vesa routines w/bank switching Nick Coons 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d engine w/level editor Bradley Wagner 23kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Qb enhanced draw program Angelo Mottola 30kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flicker free sprites David Gentry 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotating sphere of fire Angelo Ken Pesce 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Cool shaded text Nick Kochakian 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Shaded bar background Nick Kochakian 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Color choser for bar background Nick Kochakian 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flaming text Angelo Ken Pesce 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fire and bump Angelo Ken Pesce 16kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 24bit tga viewer Jeff Ward 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Cool line graphics Reinder Glas 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bouncing ball w/stars Shaun Burnette 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Any size gif viewer C. Buijs 10kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Skeletal graphics font Byron C. Smith, Jr. 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d engine w/texture mapping Victor Woeltjen 14kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Raycasting routine Andrew L. Ayers 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotating an image Andrew L. Ayers 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d vector bob demo Andrew L. Ayers 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Yet another star field ii Andrew L. Ayers 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS New improved blast! library Andrew L. Ayers 42kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Moving into star field effect Kevin Fowlks 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Graphics melt #1, #2 Nick Kochakian 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Crude shaded text Nick Kochakian 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flys Nick Kochakian 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Directional starfield Nick Kochakian 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sparkling starfield simulation Kurt Kuzba 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Graphics melt #3 Nick Kochakian 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Explode graphics Nick Kochakian 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Pixel explosions Nick Kochakian 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Smooth scrolling waterfall Nick Kochakian 1kb
    QB, PDS Circular plasma effect Angelo Ken Pesce 3kb
    QB, PDS Updated fire sphere Angelo Ken Pesce 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d rotation of 2d picture Xtance Coders Alliance 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Graphical menu Warren Seyle 23kb
    QB, PDS Fast screen 13 pset demo Angelo Ken Pesce 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bitmap zooming algorithm Angelo Ken Pesce 3kb
    QB, PDS Cool bumpmapper lighting effect Angelo Ken Pesce 161kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Buffered .bmp viewer Stephen L. Maxson 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Star scroll Angelo Ken Pesce 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Star (title) zoom Angelo Ken Pesce 11kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Save screen to .bmp file Stephen L. Maxson 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Single pixel scrolling Stephen L. Maxson 14kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotating triangles The ABC Programmer 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Image magnification Nick Cangiani 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Resizing fonts Matthew Pulley 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 2d texture zoom/rotation demo Toshihiro Horie 1kb
    QB, PDS Circular plasma + fire Angelo Ken Pesce 3kb
    QB, PDS 2d bumpmapping example update Angelo Ken Pesce 17kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Lcd counter digits Nick Kochakian 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Mandelbrot set Brent Bernstein 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Graphical chew (screen wipe) Aaron Koehl 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Qb raycaster w/texture mapping Andrew L. Ayers 33kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS New updated blast! library Andrew L. Ayers 88kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fire and flames Andrew L. Ayers 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Explosions w/flames Andrew L. Ayers 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flaming text Andrew L. Ayers 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Plaid screen Andrew L. Ayers 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Screen 13 wiping routines Aaron Koehl 6kb
    QB, PDS Graphical user interface v1.1 Denny R. VandenBerg 16kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Moving sprite routines Cleber de Mattos Casali 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flic player w/screen buffer Cleber de Mattos Casali 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Quick image converter Tika Carr 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Fake screen pset routines Angelo Ken Pesce 6kb
    QB, PDS, VBDOS Graphics put using assembly Benjamin L. McGee 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Animation demo w/pac-man Denis Boyles 3kb
    QB, PDS Render 3d object Eric Carr 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flames generator Davey W. Taylor 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Distorted torus Davey W. Taylor 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotating planets Davey W. Taylor 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bitmap loader & snow Davey W. Taylor 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vertical sync demo Davey W. Taylor 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Smooth vga message scroller Denis Boyles 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bsave/bload w/palette Dave Shea 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Colorful screen saver Duct_Tape 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Box zoom Nick Kochakian 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Wide fire Jim Emptage 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Frenzied lightning storm Matthew Pulley 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Real-time texture mapped tunnel Daniel Davies 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Parallax snow field Daniel Davies 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Complex star/credit scroller Daniel Davies 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fountain particle simulation Daniel Davies 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Dot morphing Daniel Davies 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sinusoidal palette generator Daniel Davies 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Moving sine wave Daniel Davies 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Shape-shifting plasma 1 Daniel Davies 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Shape-shifting plasma 2 Daniel Davies 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Shape-shifting plasma 3 Daniel Davies 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast plasma generator Daniel Davies 10kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Read fractint .map colour files Daniel Davies 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bouncing lines Daniel Davies 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flexible raster distance Frank W. Zammetti 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bouncing colour bars Frank W. Zammetti 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Colour shifted text Frank W. Zammetti 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Tv static simulation Frank W. Zammetti 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Side-scrolling city Dave Shea 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Graphics prototype Robert Claypool 20kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Lens effect Daniel Davies 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Full screen flame Daniel Davies 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Candle flame Daniel Davies & Paul Gainer 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Write windows bitmaps (.bmp) Dave Shea 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Particle flame Daniel Davies 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Qbasic modex example Kurt Kuzba 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Perspective scroller (wavey) The ABC Programmer 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Plasma-type screen saver Brian Bacon 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Complete 3d model w/shading Matt Bross 48kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d animated plasma-cube Matt Bross 31kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Full featured paint program Steve Skrla 39kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d-dot morphing Daniel Davies 16kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vesa routines for qbasic Erika Schulze 30kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Slug screen saver Matthew Pulley 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Melting and fading out text Chris McKenzie 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Palette fading routines Petter Holmberg 48kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Tile-scroll demo Matt Sams 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Pixel tunnel (wormhole effect) The ABC Programmer 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Twisted bar effect The ABC Programmer 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sprites using peek & poke Jay Cook 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Play .fli files Denis Boyles 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Cloth texture background Andrew K. Dart 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Screen 13 box drawer Brian Bacon 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Really simple starfield Brian Mahocker 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Load/edit resizable fonts Tom Watson 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Windows-like screen Michael S. Halpin 23kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Metallic triangular tube Dyselxic DJ 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Mac-screen saver like lines Dyselxic DJ 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Master caster v.040 (3d engine) Jon Olick 25kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Text plasma BS V/D Berg 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flying saucer animation Kurt Kuzba 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Windows like fonts Bobby K. 56kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Cga 136 colour mode Peter Barney 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rainbow plasma Davey W. Taylor 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sinus screen Davey W. Taylor 15kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bitmap library Davey W. Taylor 72kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Icon drawing program Ben Paine 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Jfont! Joe Davison 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Special effects (loads gifs) Ben Paine 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Circular plasma effect Davey W. Taylor 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bidirectional circle plasma Davey W. Taylor 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bidirectional line plasma Davey W. Taylor 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Star plasma effect Davey W. Taylor 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d waving flag Davey W. Taylor 19kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Monitor madness 2 Brad Bailey 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Monitor madness 3 Brad Bailey 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d rotating starfield Paul Maunders 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Side scrolling demo The ABC Programmer 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d wave pattern Davey W. Taylor 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Cross-fading demonstration Petter Holmberg 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Routine to draw pentagons Moritz Muehlenhoff 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d modeling Joshua Dickerson 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast fire Danny Beardsley 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast fire 2 (torch-like flames) Danny Beardsley 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast snow fall routine Danny Beardsley 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d landscape generator Danny Beardsley 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Animated bump map Danny Beardsley 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast animated bump map Danny Beardsley 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast stars (spraying effect) Danny Beardsley 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast stars (coming at you) Danny Beardsley 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flagdraw (flag editor/viewer) Davey W. Taylor 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d filled polygon Sami Kyostila 24kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Doomed v3.2 (raytracer) Sami Kyostila 36kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Windoze engine v2.0 Sami Kyostila 41kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Advanced basic paint program Sami Kyostila 36kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Star wars spacetext Alex Warren 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Exploding text David Calhoun 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Color mixer David Calhoun 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Read sprite Ryan Shaw 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Draw shaded box Alexander Meyer 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Various circle effects Alexander Meyer 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS (6) various fractal sets Nigel Traves 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Transition effect generator Davey W. Taylor 14kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Transparent font in any screen Michael G. Stewart 4kb
    QB, PDS Text plasma / take two Andrew S. Gibson 18kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Holiday screen saver John T. Pope 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Noel candle and flames Tika Carr 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Dos font translator Andrew S. Gibson 13kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast palette manipulation Hauke Daempfling 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Italic font Hauke Daempfling 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bold font Hauke Daempfling 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Big font Hauke Daempfling 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Various starfields Hauke Daempfling 11kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bitmap-to-basic converter Hauke Daempfling 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Xmas snowfall Woody Pope 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotating 3d polygon William T. Jones 16kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Creates a wavey effect on image Xtance Coders Alliance 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d box rotation The ABC Programmer 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Using 64k buffers for video Steven McGranahan 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS View .pkg files John Charles Bull III 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sprite mask maker Bert van Dam 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sinus - cosinus graphics Andrey Berezansky 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Shaded balls screen saver Jodie J. Cunningham 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Circle plasma screen saver Jodie J. Cunningham 1kb
    QB, PDS Clip pieces from .pcx Bert van Dam 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Read files that were clipped Bert van Dam 0kb
    QB, PDS Bmp loader/maker Thomas Nyberg 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Colorful bouncing lines Alexander Meyer 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Windscreen wiper Alexander Meyer 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sin/cos/atn/sqr circles Alexander Meyer 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rdrawpro (like turtle draw) Richard Colletta 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flood fill routine Petter Holmberg 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d textured polygon engine v2.0 Sami Kyostila 35kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bmp palette stripper Ka-Lok Fung 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d image wave pattern Davey W. Taylor 13kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fireworks Kenneth Green 13kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Star field 3d Nick Kochakian 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Pixel angle bounce Nick Kochakian 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Cool line Nick Kochakian 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Enlarge a graphic area Nick Kochakian 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Xor pixel Nick Kochakian 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Full screen fire simulation David A. Wicker 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotate picture 360 degrees David A. Wicker 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fire generator Kyle Petersen 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Spread palettes Kyle Petersen 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Random (rotating) starfield Kyle Petersen 5kb
    QB, PDS Convert bmp/pcx/gif files Sami Kyostila 93kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Tile scrolling demo Matt Sams 15kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Simple example of pcopy David A. Wicker 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bezier curve drawing routine Petter Holmberg 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Scrolling text/sprites v1.0 David W. Hayward 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fluorescent cones Wayne Wallace 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Comets falling and exploding Lior Zur 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Blur portion of screen Lennaert van den Linden 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Save palette as data statements Andrew S. Gibson 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Zgui version 1.0 Richard Colletta 7kb
    QB, PDS Svga targa image viewer Andrew S. Gibson 42kb
    QB, PDS Svga raw image viewer Andrew S. Gibson 48kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Tv-test screen Viktor Rootselainen 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Phoenix (plasma-like effect) Ryan White 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Pattern generator v1.0 Leandro Pardini 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Multi-spaced font manager v1.5 Leandro Pardini 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 90 degree kaleidoscope Leandro Pardini 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Various graphic effects Ryan White 15kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flames effect Anders Olofsson 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Circle drawing routine Don Schullian 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d landscape creator Per Larsson 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Amobe plasma Per Larsson 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bouncy fireworks Everett Arvin 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sinusoidal flowing text John Mair 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Alan's plasma v5.0 Alan King 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Tie die screen saver Ryan White 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Star plasum Ryan White 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Another star plasum Ryan White 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast fire effect Matt Gulden 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Dos '97 (gui) Anders Olofsson 52kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Scrolling text/sprites v1.1 David W. Hayward 10kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Single pixel scroll-text Matt Gulden 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Scrolling with bigger text Matt Gulden 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vertical scrolling text Matt Gulden 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Load/save 320x200 bitmaps Anders Olofsson 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Plasma, 320x200x256 version Anders Olofsson 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Svga plasma, 640x480x256 Anders Olofsson 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Svga plasma, 800x600x256 Anders Olofsson 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Scrolling text using get/put Arthur Podobas 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Unchained mode 13h routines Tyler Barnes 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Firepro version 4 Thomas Ludwig 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Simple sprite/paint program Richard Stanway 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Moving plasma Anders Olofsson 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Lens flare routine Daniel Davies 54kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS New plasma effect Daniel Davies 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS New plasma effect 2 Daniel Davies 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS New animated plasma effect Daniel Davies 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Smooth fader Daniel Davies 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Dot morphed fractal fern Daniel Davies 9kb
    QB, PDS Improved realtime plasma Andrew S. Gibson 12kb
    QB, PDS Vesa text plasma viewer Andrew S. Gibson 139kb
    QB, PDS Text plasma image viewer v.330 Andrew S. Gibson 16kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Full screen flames Andre Victor 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Multispaced fonts v2.0 Leandro Pardini 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Water simulation Joe Huber, Jr. 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Torch whole screen Anders Olofsson 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Any palette translucency effect Victor Woeltjen 7kb
    QB, PDS Weird color mixing Andrew S. Gibson 20kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sizeable icon viewer Dieter Folger 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Voxel landscape Shawn 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Some line effects Alexander Meyer 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Line chaos Alexander Meyer 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Palette colours without palette Alexander Meyer 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Nice effects with pset Alexander Meyer 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Incoming starfield Leandro Pardini 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Multispaced fonts v2.1 Leandro Pardini 30kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS True raytracer Daniel Davies 22kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotating & zooming picture Daniel Davies 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Shape shifting plasma Daniel Davies 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Real-time iterative raytracer Daniel Davies 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Scalable font Anders Olofsson 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bmp load/save routines Leandro Pardini 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Web like sphere Leandro Pardini 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Optimized raycaster Anders Olofsson 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Openbmp version 0.3 Yousuf Philips 17kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Openpcx version 0.3 Yousuf Philips 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Openavi version 0.3 Yousuf Philips 18kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Save screen 13 as .bmp Yousuf Philips 4kb
    QB, PDS Svga 16 bit mode 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rosette editor Dominik Kaspar 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Custom palette maker Frank Rompella 10kb
    QB, PDS Bmp loader/maker Viktor Rootselainen 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 8x8 vga font routine Sam Thursfield 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bill's first 3d engine v1.0 Bill McDonald 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Running text Dieter Folger 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Eye plot Dave Navarro, Jr. 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Draw a cartioid Dave Navarro, Jr. 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Draw an ellipse Dave Navarro, Jr. 0kb
    QB, PDS Svga library v2.00 Joshua Penman 26kb
    QB, PDS Viper svga routines Sam Thursfield 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fload (an alternative to bload) M/K Productions 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Openfli version 0.1 Yousuf Philips 18kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Loads 24-bit bmp files Yousuf Philips 11kb
    QB, PDS Gravity influxor archive [1/3] Andrew S. Gibson 175kb
    QB, PDS Gravity influxor archive [2/3] Andrew S. Gibson 169kb
    QB, PDS Gravity influxor archive [3/3] Andrew S. Gibson 125kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Geometric circle Roger Hermans 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Rotating horizontal line Roger Hermans 1kb
    QB, PDS, PB Bload and put on screen 12 Jacob Wieles 4kb
    QB, PDS, PB Bsave an integer get-array Jacob Wieles 1kb
    QB, PDS, PB Bsave a long integer get-array Jacob Wieles 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Oscar reutersv„rd picture i Jacob Wieles 20kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Oscar reutersv„rd picture ii Jacob Wieles 18kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Oscar reutersv„rd picture iii Jacob Wieles 19kb
    QB, PDS, PB Real big integer get-array Jacob Wieles 2kb
    QB, PDS, PB Real big long integer get-array Jacob Wieles 2kb
    QB, PDS, PB Flip upside down int get-array Jacob Wieles 2kb
    QB, PDS, PB Flip upside down long get-array Jacob Wieles 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vfont 2 w/fading colours Sam Thursfield 3kb
    QB, PDS, VBDOS Fast assembly gif loader Rich Geldreich 56kb
    QB, PDS Svga 24-bit color graphics Anthony Tyler 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Wibbles a circle along sinwave Graeme Jefferis 7kb
    QB, PDS Gravity influxor file patches Andrew S. Gibson 89kb
    QB, PDS, VBDOS Cool (bmp/gif) viewer w/goggles Viktor Rootselainen 76kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS .pbm loader/saver Viktor Rootselainen 26kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Hpgl file viewer Luberth Dijkman 23kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS V-fire routine v1.0 Sam Thursfield 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 400x200 18-bit color mode Jernej Simoncic 28kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Simulation of a spirograph Nigel Traves 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Change screen and colors w/out Alexander Meyer 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Stretched text Alexander Meyer 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Create random full screen mazes Darryl R. Waltz 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Smooth sprites using vsync Darryl R. Waltz 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d maze program Antoni Gual 16kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotating 3d plane The ABC Programmer 10kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Moving lights in a tube Jacob Wieles 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Simulation of moving lights Jacob Wieles 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Another moving light simulation Jacob Wieles 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Moving lights stairs down Jacob Wieles 11kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Moving lights stairs up Jacob Wieles 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Make any size .bmp file Jernej Simoncic 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Martin fractals Jernej Simoncic 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Various fractal images Nigel Traves 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Makes stippled boxes Nick Kochakian 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Qb screen saver viewer v1.00 James Salim 5kb
    QB, PDS Screen scroller Nigel Traves 16kb
    QB, PDS 2d graphics library Nigel Traves 24kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Gravity simulation Ross Harper 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Simple harmonic motion Ross Harper 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Write/scroll text as dot matrix Dieter Folger 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Open bmp version 0.4 Yousuf Philips 23kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Open avi version 0.6 Yousuf Philips 30kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Open ico version 0.1 Yousuf Philips 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Save screen 12 as 4bit bmp v0.2 Yousuf Philips 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Save screen 13 as pcx v0.2 Yousuf Philips 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Windows animated cursor viewer Yousuf Philips 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Save screen 13 as 8-bit rle bmp Yousuf Philips 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Coloured text with shadow Alexander Meyer 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Qb image draw Paul Crosland 21kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Grayscale jpeg viewer Dmitry Brant 16kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Display jpegs in truecolor Dmitry Brant 104kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Jpeg file data dumper Dmitry Brant 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 8-bit grayscale jpeg loader 1.0 Petter Holmberg 22kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Create, edit & animate polygons Matt Gulden 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Palette rotation example Matt Gulden 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Nice gradient fill routine Eric Sonne 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Phong shaded bump mapper Daniel Davies 15kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Gif89a decoder Rich Geldreich 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Falling rain with sound effects David A. Wicker 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Jpeg loader v1.2 with color Petter Holmberg 21kb
    QB, PDS Qb graphical fonts Kevin Everingham 31kb
    QB, PDS Using get/put to scroll page Michael Fincham 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotating spiral effect Marc Santa 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d tutorial Krusty 10kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d construction Marc Santa 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS A spin on 3d Marc Santa 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rotating 3d polygon routine Aaron Severn 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Screen static/wobble effect Marc Santa 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d landscape w/moving viewpoint Andries Mooij 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Snow demo Theos 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS The great qb volcano ROYAL 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Qbasic vector balls Aaron Severn 11kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Big image load/save routine Jacob Wieles 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Another way to save graphics Bernt Figaro 5kb
    QB Jpeg viewer v1.2 for hicolor Dmitry Brant 21kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Jpeg viewer v1.2 for screen 13 Dmitry Brant 22kb
    QB Jpeg viewer v1.2 for mode-x Dmitry Brant 21kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fat lines Marius Andra 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Cyclowave Michael Bourgeous 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Clipped put routine Lennaert ver der Linden 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Full screen vertical scrolling Darryl R. Waltz 39kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Burning text Ruud Wijtvliet 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d rotating wireframe face Michael Galos 3kb
    QB, PDS 15-bit & 16-bit svga routines Aaron Severn 19kb
    QB, PDS Wave various flags on screen Aaron Severn 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d rotating wireframe face Michael Galos 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Animation of a walking man Michael Galos 18kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bouncing triangle Michael Galos 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Raster image rotation Ian Barker 38kb
    QB, PDS Display parameters of svga mode Antoni Gual 7kb
    QB, PDS Fast jpeg viewer for svga Antoni Gual 41kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Snow engine Jernej Simoncic 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Dancing jello Davey W. Taylor 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bmp to ico converter (32x32x16) Bernt Figaro 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fill routine with textures Jernej Simoncic 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vfont v3.0 w/editor Sam Thursfield 29kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Colour trip v1.4 Martin Grosen 51kb
    QB Raw image loader & dither algo Toshi Horie 11kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Tada screen saver Caleb Cassel 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Qbasic snow v1.22 Caleb Cassel 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vga palette Homer Richardson 22kb
    QB Microsoft paint format loader Alexander Verhaeghe 54kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Edward blake's graphics library Edward L. Blake 16kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Using vector fonts Edward L. Blake 16kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d map algorithm Erez Shinan 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Mosaic algorithm Lithumn 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Ellipses Jacob Wieles 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Fan shape Jacob Wieles 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Go round Jacob Wieles 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Masks Jacob Wieles 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Using draw and varptr$ Jacob Wieles 2kb

    Snippet Count: 654 Back