• Code Of text colored Green denote snippet encoded with Postit!
    Binary/Hex/Dec/Script routines
    Code Of Subject/Description Contributor Size
    ASM, QB, PDS Super hex browser Victor Yiu 13kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Binary to basic script Allan Zachary 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Decimal 2 binary Chris Tracy 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Postit! 7.2 script coder Rich Geldreich/Victor Yiu 47kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Hex viewer Rob Smetana 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bit manipulation functions Luis Espinoza 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Counting binary numbers Martin Lindhe 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Postit! version 7.3 Steve Harmon 48kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Decimal to binary format Jason Laviska 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Enigma coding program Paul Kuliniewicz 26kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Xor encryption/decryption Jonathan Leger 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 8-bit to 6-bit encoder/decoder Kurt Kuzba 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Xor encryption Scott Turchin 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Binary search routine Joe Caverly 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Full 16-bit shifting routine Kurt Kuzba 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Set bit Byron Smith 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Encrypt your basic programs Mark Otter 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Invert bits in a file Andrew Below 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Data sender to lpt1 Tommi Utriainen 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Mbf to ieee conversion Mark Junker 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast bit operations Rick Elbers 43kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Assembly bit shifting routines Beau Schwabe 2kb
    QB, ASM Dec2bin in assembly Sten D. Soersdal 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Encode binary -> basic Leandro Pardini 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Sepost v0.9b (like postit!) Tyler Barnes 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Hex editor v1.00 (only viewer) William Deer 14kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Base64 encoder/decoder for qb Marc van den Dikkenberg 10kb
    QB, PDS Postit! script encoder v7.4 Nick Tarleton 48kb
    QB, PDS Munch binary script encoder 1.2 Jonathan Gilbert 14kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Dump hex/asm code Matt Gulden 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Convert dec to any other base James Salim 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Hex to decimal conversion Wayne Henderson 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Command line base conversion Andreas van Cranenburgh 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Convert number from any base Dieter Folger 1kb

    Snippet Count: 34 Back