• Code Of text colored Green denote snippet encoded with Postit!
    Algorithms (Compression/Sorts etc.)
    Code Of Subject/Description Contributor Size
    QB, PDS Calculating biorhythms Mark H. Butler 9kb
    QB, PDS Huffman encoder v2.00 Rich Geldreich 15kb
    QB, PDS Huffman decoder v2.00 Rich Geldreich 4kb
    QB, PDS Lzw compressor Rich Geldreich 10kb
    QB, PDS Lzw decompressor Rich Geldreich 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast sorting algorithms Zack Jones 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Maze generator Unknown Author(s) 11kb
    QB, QBasic Mazes Jean Crepeau 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Formula solver Quinn Tyler Jackson 30kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Word compressions Quinn Tyler Jackson 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Calculating crc blocks Unknown Author(s) 1kb
    QB, PDS Assembly pi Victor Yiu 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Prime number generator Rich Geldreich 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Julia fractal Unknown Author(s) 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Calculator functions Unknown Author(s) 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Metric converter Unknown Author(s) 18kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Visual quick sort Ethan Winer 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Solving lcm and gcd The ABC Programmer 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS String math Joe Krzton 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Normal distribution routines Craig W. Uthe 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Roman to arabic # translator Jeff S. Root 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Tolerance calculator Aaron Scott Zabudsky 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Graphing program Aaron Scott Zabudsky 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Arabic to roman numerals Jeff S. Root 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Math test Dave Gjessing 15kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bubble sort Dave Gjessing 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Extract/set low & high bytes Larry Stone 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Pythagorean theorem demo Darryl Schneider 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fibonacci sequence generator Carl Gorringe 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bresenham line/circle algorithm Kurt Kuzba 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Base conversion routine Tyler Barnes 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Number of possible combinations Franklin Villamor 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Calculate wind chill Steve Horstmeyer 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Update of base conversion Tyler Barnes 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Graph integrals Toshihiro Horie 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Function grapher Toshihiro Horie 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Calculate # of combinations Marek Piotrowski 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Compute natural log table Hans Lunsing 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Transcendental functions for qb Erika Schulze & Gunther Ilzig 40kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Theory of probability Brian Mahocker 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rpn postfix notation evaulator The ABC Programmer 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Convert infix to postfix (rpn) The ABC Programmer 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Unlimited digit integers Tom Nelson (Chien-Lung Su) 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Base conversion Van Anderson 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Calculate pi Jason Stratos Papadopoulos 4kb
    QB, PDS Trigonometric library Nigel Traves 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Calculate theory of probabilty Brian Mahocker 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Calculate moon age Tika Carr 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS (de)compress qb files The ABC Programmer 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 4 function calculator Denis Boyles 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Enigma coder Davey W. Taylor 15kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Infix expression evaluator J. W. Dare 19kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Mathematical functions Michael S. Halpin 15kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Round numbers Kinslayer Indst. (Cody Bunch) 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Hex encoder/decoder Sami Kyostila 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Add/subtract using strings John Bull 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Quadratic formula Brian Wilkins 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Solving the knight problem Timothy J. Mayo 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Morse code William Deer 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Convert numbers into strings Hauke Daempfling 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS E-coder Hauke Daempfling 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Serial number generator Hauke Daempfling 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Practising simple arithmetic Hensley Bass 20kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Registration key validation Peter Mikalajunas 2kb
    QB, PDS Unrar v1.01 for qb Hans Lunsing 13kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Huffman compression routine Scott Spiker 14kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Phonetic search Ian Campbell 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Gearwheel ratio calculator Bert vam Dam 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Frequency analysis program Bert van Dam 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Data encryption standard Scott Spiker 23kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Worm problem Aaron Andersen 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Convert hex strings to decimal John Nobles 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Generate and solve mazes D. J. Tuttle 14kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Syllogisms Richard Sharvy 28kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Extended precision calculator Judson D. McClendon 10kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Bubble sort vs. quick sort Steve Gomez 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Formula parser and executor Bert van Dam 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Flippo 24 game solver Bert van Dam 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Encryption program Chris Pulley 12kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Maze generating sub Charles Shampine 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Shell sort subroutine Douglas Bunger 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Conway's game of life John Wantland 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Rc4 encryption algorithm Scott Spiker 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Stack example Thomas Laguzzi 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Properties of moist air Antoni Gual 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Add showing work Jeff Connelly 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Least common multiple (lcm) Jeff Connelly 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Greatest common divisor (gcd) Jeff Connelly 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Popup calculator Fred Buffington 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Math library Nigel Traves 4kb
    QB, PDS Random number generator in asm Nigel Traves 9kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Matrix manipulation routines Nigel Traves 8kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Fast pi calculator v4.8 Jason Stratos Papadopoulos 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Gregory's series Jason Stratos Papadopoulos 13kb
    QB, PDS Asm implementation of des algor Scott Spiker 54kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Convert celsius <-> fahrenheit Leandro Pardini 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Verify isbn checksums Frank Cox 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Simple encrypt/decrypt routine Cl udio A. Pi‡arra 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Celestial coord to alt-azimuth Jim Phillips 6kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Binary tree sort routine Daniel Davies 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Multitasker like demonstration Paul-V Khuong 3kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Vampire numbers generator Cheng Lee 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Calculate prime factors of num David J. Smith 38kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Huge number calculation routine Robert Merkin 35kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Solve towers of hanoi problem Bernt Figaro 7kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Solve tridiagonal linear system Robert L. Roach 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS 3d contour plotter Robert L. Roach 30kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Solve linear system using gauss Robert L. Roach 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Compute 3d coordinates Robert L. Roach 2kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Matrix inverse algorithm Robert L. Roach 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Calculate fourier coefficients David Karlov 21kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Decision analysis program Nathiel T. Tinsley 11kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Optimiser Nathiel T. Tinsley 4kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Neural networks Nathiel T. Tinsley 12kb
    QB, PDS Sort any file Nigel Traves 18kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Newton's iterative method The ABC Programmer 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Nexor! w.s.c coding device George Michael 21kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Merge sort demo David O. Williams 1kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS, PB Find prime numbers up to 31991 Dieter Folger 0kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS String-number library Andreas van Cranenburgh 43kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Best fit (knapsack) algorithm Wayne Henderson 5kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Tower of hanoi (4 solutions) D. J. Tuttle 45kb
    QB, QBasic, PDS Calculate tv satellite position David Williams 6kb

    Snippet Count: 123 Back