The Best of ABC
- With the good comes the bad, and sometimes it's tough to separate the really good routines from all the "so-so" ones. Well, this section will provide you with some reviews of the more popular routines, and let you decide for yourself whether it's a keeper or not. If you feel that a certain snippet deserves to be on this list, please let me know. There's definitely a lot of good ones available, but I just don't have the time to review them all, so your opinion is appreciated. The more useful the snippet, the more likely it will appear on this list, but that doesn't mean a really cool and useless special effect can't be on here either. More categories to come...
Popular games...
BALLOON X by Manny Najera
This game looks like one that you'd find next to the original Pac-man arcade machines. It's an old fashioned collect the gems kind of game, with many twists. Very nice gameplay and control. |
GEMS V1.0 (COLUMNS CLONE) by William Yu
If you're familiar with the popular Columns game for Sega, this is it. The gameplay is almost exactly like the Columns game for Genesis, not to mention the graphics. |
GERMS by William Yu
This is a clone of the popular Nintendo game, Dr. Mario. The graphics are different, but the same gameplay is there. |
LIANNE IN... THE DARK CROWN by Matt Zuchowski
This is one of the best looking RPGs available for QBasic. Not only does it look good, but the gameplay is very good as well. It reminds me of the Dragon Warrior series. Very well done! |
THE POWER by Davey W. Taylor
A very challenging puzzle type game. Just a simple and fun game for puzzle lovers. You move blocks strategically around the screen to collect the hearts. If you've played this game on the Amiga, you'll be pleasantly surprised. |
SMASHOUT by Sami Kyostila
This is one of the best Breakout/Arkanoid clone I've seen. The special effects and sound effects really help to enhance the game. |
SONIC SPINBALL V2.5 by Eric Carr
The game resembles the popular Sonic the Hedgehog game for Sega. Although the whole screen is not utilized (you play in a restricted window screen), it was still a very good side-scrolling game for its time. |
STARWREK 1 2 by Sami Kyostila
This is a must have game! It's like the popular game Star Control, where you control a space craft, floating around trying to out maneuver your opponent and shoot him down first. Gameplay and control is excellent, graphics are superb! |
TETRIS II (THE NEW BLOOD) by Christian Dever
Are you tired of the same old Tetris? Can you imagine violence in Tetris? Well, look no further. In this version, your goal is to squish people using the tetris blocks. Thumbs-up for originality. |
WETSPOT II 1 2 3 by Angelo Mottola
Here's another great puzzle/adventure game. The graphics are second to none, and the gameplay is excellent! You are a crab, running around trying to push blocks and kill the enemies. It's much harder than it sounds! |
This is a wheel of fortune type game, including Marge Simpson as Vanna White, and of course, a special bonus round like the TV show. Up to 3 players can play! |
ZIEL by Jay T. Cook
Ziel is a clone of the popular Nintendo game, Zelda. The backgrounds and characters are different, but the gameplay is very similar. For example, when you strike an enemy with your sword, they fall backwards like in the original game. |
Best Audio Players...
This is a simple routine to play musical notes on your sound card. I did some conversions of some old songs and found that the quality was almost the same as playing through the PC speaker. In other words, you can convert your PLAY statements and play them through the sound card instead of the PC Speaker. I've included some songs in the source code for you to sample. Great for background music. |
The best FM Tracker for BASIC I've seen. Very very cool interface, easy to use, great samples of FM Tracks. This is a must download! |
MEGA CD PLAYER by Davey W. Taylor
This is one of the best looking CD Players available for QB. Comes with all the bells and whistles you'd expect from any CD player. |
PC MOD PLAYER by Rich Geldreich
This is one of the first MOD players that I had come across for BASIC. If nothing else, it's listed here because it was a great MOD player back then and still, arguably, is. It uses the PC Speaker as output, which is really something, but unfortunately not all .MOD files are playable. |
QMIDI by Jesse Dorland
I couldn't include this in the ABC Packets because of some copyright issues, but you can find it under the Libraries section of this page. This is the most advanced MIDI player for BASIC, it can play most MIDI files. |
Although there were considerable improvements by other coders from this code, it's listed here because it was a good base and learning example for others to use. You may have difficulty running the code if you have an SB AWE 64 like I do. |
(De)Compression Routines...
EX-PACK by Andrew Nagy
This is a modification of Rich Geldreich's LZW Compressor/Decompressor. However, this routine is much faster and compresses better! It has a nice command interface to it, a must download! |
This is a nice, clean, easy to follow source code on Huffman compression and decompression. This one's for QB/QBasic, there's another good one for PB as well. |
This is the best Huffman compression and decompression routine for PowerBASIC users. Don has also done a version for PB/CC. |
UNRAR by Hans Lunsing
If you're familiar with .RAR archives, here's some code to decode any .RAR file. There's no option to encode files though. |
Graphics/Image Viewers...
256 COLORS ICON VIEWER FOR PB by Dieter Folger
Shows 256 color icons files using VESA mode (640x480x256). This code is for PowerBASIC, but shouldn't be too much trouble converting to QB. |
Probably the fastest GIF viewer for QB available. If there's only one GIF viewer you download, make it this one! |
FLI/FLC Player by Carl Gorringe
This program will play an animation flic FLI or FLC file in SCREEN 13. Works only for 320x200 flics. I believe someone has done a better rendition of this using buffers, but I've listed Carl's original routine because it's a good learning example. |
OPEN AVI VERSION 0.6 by Yousuf Philips
Since I haven't seen any other AVI players, there's no competition, this is the only one available. It can play 8-bit uncompressed AVIs with sound, and 24-bit uncompressed AVIs in color. |
OPEN BMP VERSION 0.4 by Yousuf Philips
This loader can view 24/8/4-bit BMPs. You all know it isn't possible to view 24-bit BMPs in an 8-bit (SCREEN 13) environment, but this loader emulates the palette by choosing the closest color. Definitely worth checking out! |
OPEN ICO VERSION 0.1 by Yousuf Philips
This viewer can display 4-bit and 8-bit icons in color, and 24-bit icons in grayscale. Probably the best icon viewer out there so far. |
OPEN PCX VERSION 0.3 by Yousuf Philips
Views 8-bit (256 color) PCX files. It's not restricted to 320x200, the program will resize the image if needed. Very nice touch. |
SHOW .GIF FOR PB by Don Schullian
This is one of the best .GIF viewers I've seen for PowerBASIC, it even supports 89a GIF files which most BASIC GIF viewers do not. You'll also need to download Don's VESA library in LIBRARY.ABC to run this code. |
You need SVGA (VESA compliant) card to run this viewer. It can display TGA files up to 1600x1200 screen mode! |
TRUE COLOR TGA VIEWER FOR PB by Erika Schulze & Gunther Ilzig
This viewer displays Targa files in true color 24-bit mode or 8-bit mode. It uses some assembly for speed, so overall, this viewer is quite fast! Requires SVGA. There's also an 8-bit version available for QBasic users. |
3D Engines/Models...
3D-DOT MORPHING by Daniel Davies
Really neat 3D-dot morphing effect. The object rotates as it morphs, it's very cool! |
3D FILLED POLYGON by Sami Kyostila
Wow, this is one of the better filled and shaded 3D rotating polygons I've seen. Interface is good, neat effects, a must download! |
3D MODELING by Joshua Dickerson
This is a really cool looking rotating 3D model. Doesn't do much else though, but perhaps you can find some use for it in a game. |
Two words, DOWNLOAD NOW!!! I'm sorry, but this is by far the best 3D Polygon Engine I've seen for BASIC. If you don't agree with me, well, prove me wrong by showing me something better. As the title states, you can put textures on the polygons, it's very very cool! |
This is another really neat wireframe model which you can rotate and zoom in/out. Very clean, well documented, several pre-made models for you to look at, it's a good learning example. |
3-D WIREFRAME PROGRAM by Rich Geldreich
It may not be the best, but it was definitely one of the first I came across. If anything, you can probably learn a lot from this code. |
PB RAYCASTER W/TEXTURE MAPPING by Wolfgang Bruske & Thomas Gohel
This is the PowerBASIC version (and original) Raycaster with texture mapping. A must have for any PB programmer. |
Perhaps the fastest 3D raycaster available for QBasic. Since it utilizes low-level assembly, the texture mapping is very fast and you may have to slow the program down if you have a fast computer. This is a must download! |
SHADED 3-D POLYGON by Rich Geldreich
This was pretty cool back then, it probably isn't as great now, but again, it's a nice learning example. Create any simple polygon and rotate it. I really like the shading as well, it's definitely worth checking. |